f i v e

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Right before Felix was about to enter the washroom he crashed into a very tall blonde haired dramatic ass llama named Hwang Hyunjin. As soon as Felix's body made contact with this llama's body the llama lookin dude fell down on his ass. Thank god Hyunjin was a dom, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to have sex for atleast a week cause of the pain in this ass.

"Dude I am so sorry is your ass alright- oh my god you are Hwang Hyunjin." Just as Felix was asking about the condition of this dude's ass he realised that this dude was none other than Hyunjin. Mah poor dude Felix just embarrassed himself in front of Hyunjin AGAIN. Don't worry Felix, no matter how many times you embarrass yourself Erika (the author aka me) will still love you.

"I'm pretty sure I know my know my name is Hyunjin but thank you anyway." Hyunjin said awkwardly. After the blow job incident and Midnight peeing on Felix's bed incident things between the two of them have gotten quite awkward at say the least.

"Wait a damn minute.... Did you pee in your pants?" Hyunjin asked while looking at Felix's shirt and pants which had pineapple juice all over them, but Hyunjin didn't know that so the first thing he thought about was pee. And yes, I just mentioned pee for the fourth chapter in a row so I guess it's safe to say that I officially have a thing for pee now....

"NO I DID NOT PEE IN MY PANTS! I AM A FULLY GROWN ADULT!!! WHY WOULD I PEE IN MY PANTS OR ON MY BED." Felix yelled at Hyunjin out of frustration, but can you blame him though? Hyunjin keeps assuming he pees on his bed or in his pants so of course he got a bit angry.

"Oh yeah of course..... Why would you pee in your pants...." Hyunjin nodded awkwardly. "But if that's not pee then what is it?" Hyunjin said while awkwardly pointing at Felix's pants.

"Ohh it's just pineapple juice." Felix replied.

"Wait why were you drinking pineapple juice?" Hyunjin asked while raising his eyebrows slightly in suspicion.

"Oh Chan was drinking it not me." Felix replied.

"Why was Chan drinking pineapple juice...??" Hyunjin asked getting even more suspicious.

"Cause he has a date with this Jeongin guy later." Felix bluntly replied without thinking about it much. Mah dude Felix just ended up exposing the shit out of our not-so-innocent Channie.

"Ohh umm okay so you better change quickly, classes are going to start soon." Hyunjin said while looking at the time on his wrist watch and then glanced back at Felix.

"Oh shit yeah thank you so much for remembering me." Felix said before smiling at Hyunjin slightly and then went to the washroom to change.

Alternative story title: "Pee Feat. Hyunlix."

Also how tf did I go from that innocent girl who used to study hard to get A grades to this unholy bitch who writes fanfics about two guys who don't even know about her exit and just writes any shit on my exam paper and hopes she pass.....

28th April 2022

WC: 537

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