n i n e t e e n

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Back to Zedd cause I'm a good author and will tell you what happened to him after Wen abandoned him~

Zedd slowly opened his eyes. After a few seconds he realised that he was in a unfamiliar place, he tried to get up only to realise that his hands were tied to a chair. After processing everything for about a minute he finally realised what just happened.

He and Axel had come to some random closet to save Wen, Zane and Caspian but suddenly Axel hit him in the head with the back of his gun which resulted in him passing out and after all of that happened they all escaped leaving poor Zedd behind.

Betrayed..... That's all he felt... Poor dude just wanted to see what his kidneys looked like. That's why he literally got on his knees and begged Axel to let him come. He really wanted Axel to see his kidneys. He was so excited that he even offered to buy cheesecake for the kidney kidnappers but Axel hit him in the head and ran away leaving him behind alone.

You know what!? If they don't want to see my kidneys then it's their lose! I'll cut myself open and remove my kidneys out myself! Zedd thought to himself. He looked to his right to see a pocket knife laying on the table next to him.

I'll use those to cut myself. Zedd thought. But first he needed to break the ropes so that he could use his hands to remove his kidneys.

Just as he was about to break the ropes he heard the door open and Jisung and Changbin entered the room with a smirk plastered across their faces.

"Are you ready to give us your kidneys?" Jisung, who was holding a knife and gloves in his hands said while walking towards Zedd.

"You are going to cut my kidneys for me?" Zedd asked while looking at Jisung. He was so touched by Jisung's behaviour that he even started to tear up slightly.

"Well I mean yes. Who else would? The hot doctor is already gone." Changbin said while approaching Zedd.

"Thank you so much bro. You don't know how much this means to me." Zedd said. Saying that Zedd was thankful would have been an understatement, he was beyond happy and had no idea how he could repay Jisung and Changbin.

"But before we remove your kidneys let us get to know each other." Changbin said before taking a seat on the chair which they had used to tie Hyunjin on.

"But why?" Zedd asked.

"You just seem really cool and we thought that maybe if you pass our vibe check we could let you join our kidney kidnapping club." Jisung replied while taking a seat on Changbin's lap.

"Get off me you dumb squirrel!" Changbin yelled at Jisung while pushing him off his lap and then yeeted him on the bed which they used to tie Felix up. "Sit there instead." Changbin said to which Jisung just nodded.

"Okay cool so, my name is Jeo Zedd, Zane is my twin brother, my favourite food is chicken kidneys and Wen and Caspian oppas are my cousins." Zedd said while sitting more comfortably on his chair, thought that was a little hard cause his hands were tied.

"Oppa.....??? I'm guessing you're not Korean...." Changbin said while looking at Zedd weirdly.

"Well yes me and Zane actually live in Japan while Wen and Caspian are from Korea." Zedd replied, he was a little confused on my Changbin and Jisung were looking at him like that but he just shrugged it off.

"Why any chance do you happen to know what Oppa means?" Jisung asked while raising his eyebrows.

"Not really but Wen Oppa told me to call him and Caspian that. Why? Is it something rude to say?" Zedd asked innocently. How I wish the poor dude knew what it actually ment become he looked really dumb at the moment.

"No not at all! You can continue calling them oppa." Jisung replied while chuckling nervously. He didn't want to tell Zedd the real meaning of it, mostly because it was really funny.

"Then can I call y'all oppa too?" Zedd asked while looking at both of them with hopeful eyes. He really wanted to call Changbin and Jisung Oppa.

"But we are younger than you...." Jisung said.

"But still.... I like calling people oppa." Zedd replied.

"Okay fine you can call us Oppa." Changbin hesitately agreed. At first he wanted to disagree, but then he realised that a hot guy wanted to call them oppa so then he agreed.

"Thank you so much oppa!"


"Wait that's so sad." Jisung said while sniffing. All three of them have been talking for about half an hour now. Zedd was just telling them about the time when he lost 'Smelly butt' one of his favourite stuffie.

Smelly butt had always been there for Zedd ever since he was 7 but unfortunately on his 25th birthday when he went to his room to get Smelly butt so that they could cut the cake together he could find her anywhere. He looked for her the entire day, but sadly Smelly butt was lost. But Zedd promised himself, no matter what happens, Smelly butt will always have a special place in his heart.

"When was the last time you saw her?" Changbin asked while wiping the tears off his face with the sleeve of his hoodie.

"Well we were both playing dress up but then I realised that Smelly butt was a girl so I told my cousin Rei to dress her up because I didn't want to make her uncomfortable or make her think I'm a pervert." Zedd said while sniffing and then wiping the snot off with the help of the collar of his shirt.

"That's so mean. You know what? We are not going to cut open your kidneys!" Changbin said while standing up from his seat.

"Why!? I really wanna see my kidneys!" Zedd yelled that Changbin. He was really angry. But can you blame him though? He wanted to see his kidneys for so long but Changbin said they are not going to do it.

"Chill, we will just help you find Smelly butt first and then we will cut you open." Jisung said feeling proud of their decision of saving Smelly butt and bringing justice for him.

"Oh my god really!? Thank you so much oppa!" Zedd said happily.

Fun facts: When I was younger my mum always used to tell me that if I ever got kidnapped the kidnappers was send me back home cause I'm a annoying crybaby and I'm dumb 🤡

26th May 2022

WC: 1125

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