Before-care <3

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"How did you sleep?" Elijah asked as Lexi began to wriggle her limbs. Lexi scrunched up her face as light began to shine through her lids. 

"So good" Lexi whispered, her mind still clouded with sleep. After a moment, Lexi let out a soft whimper as she opened her eyes which were then met with a stream of sunlight entering through a nearby window. Once her eyes were given enough time adjust, Lexi lifted her head enough to rest her chin on Elijah's chest, allowing her to see his face. She then then leant up and pressed a soft kiss to his jaw before snuggling back against him.

"Do any of your plans for the rest of the day include getting up any time soon?" Elijah asked as he traced her spine with his warm fingers, careful not to move the blanket which was currently covering them. Lexi only cuddled closer to him at the warm sensation.

"No" She said simply before tightening her hold around Elijah's body. Elijah hummed gratefully as he began to draw different shapes on her back. After almost an hour, Lexi moved one of her hands to Elijah's chest as she pushed herself off him slightly. 

"You ready?" Elijah asked.

"For anything" Lexi responded as Elijah sat up. Once the pair managed to stand from the lounge where they had been residing for the last few hours, Elijah's hand hovered over Lexi's waist as he guided her out of the room. He then stopped outside of her room before pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.

"Meet me in the kitchen." Elijah stated before moving towards the stairs. Lexi, whose brain wasn't entirely functioning, entered her room where she then began to try and decipher Elijah's message. After contemplating Elijah's statement for a moment, Lexi entered her closet before changing her lingerie to a matching set and returning to the clothes she had previously been wearing. She then moved to the bathroom where she rinsed out her mouth, fixed the abstract style her hair had adjusted to in her nap and applied a fresh layer of lip balm. Lexi, hoping that she had prepared herself for anything Elijah was going to throw at her, exited her bedroom and went to the downstairs kitchen where she concluded Elijah had gone. As Lexi entered the kitchen, she watched from the doorway as Elijah sliced up a few fruits.

"Come in" Elijah said picking on her presence. Once Lexi had taken a few steps into the room, Elijah gestured to the stool on the opposite side of the kitchen island to him. "Sit" He said simply. Lexi complied, still trying to piece together what Elijah was building to. Once Lexi sat down, Elijah placed a full glass of water in front of her. As Lexi eyes glanced to the cup, she pieced everything together.

Lexi's eyes lit up as she raised them to meet his hopefully. Elijah ran his tongue over his bottom lip in order to conceal the smile threatening to reveal itself. As Lexi's heartrate began to quicken in excitement, Elijah spoke again.

"Drink your water." He uttered, trying to keep his dominant composure as his inner animal threatened to submit to his mate.

Elijah Mikaelson,

The king of before and aftercare <3

"Yes, Sir" Lexi mumbled before she began to drink the water as fast as possible. Elijah's eyes snapped to back to hers as his act slipped up. Once Lexi placed the glass back down on the table so that she could take a breath, Elijah regained his stance and spoke again.

"Do not mumble" He enunciated slowly, "And do not tease." Lexi's brain had to work overtime to stop her from melting in that moment. In response, Lexi crossed her legs to relieve some of the frustration that was beginning to overtake her before she diverted her eyes from his and finished the glass of water.

Stupid kinks

Elijah then moved the fruit which he had been slicing into a bowl as he silently relished in his small victory. After retrieving a fork from one of the draws, Elijah placed the bowl of fruit in front of Lexi. He then gestured to it, encouraging her to eat it. Lexi instantly took the fork and ate a few slices before speaking.

Gamophobia: Mikaelson's Mate, MPTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang