Baby Fever

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"Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me." Lexi muttered as she looked at her reflection in her bathroom mirror. Lexi then frantically turned to the side, undoing the drawstring of her sweatpants and lowering them as she watched the mirror in horror. 




this shit spawned overnight.

Lexi gulped nervously before running her hand over her lower stomach, testing to see if the bulge was a large amount of bloating or if she was actually beginning to show. 


After a moment of no relief, Lexi recalled that she was now technically over 12 weeks which is when Dr Hart said she would begin to show. Out of stress, Lexi then ran her hands through her hair before deciding that she needed to hide her new baby bump and slid on a pair of high-waisted leggings which covered it. She then put on a hoodie which had previously belonged to either Kol or Kai seeing as they were the only ones of her mates who would actually wear a hoodie and then give it to her or not care when she stole it.

Once Lexi concluded she was emotionally and physically prepared to face her clingy mates who were going to quite literally glue to her when they saw the bump (an event which Lexi was trying to post-pone for as long as possible), she left her room and entered the downstairs kitchen. 

As soon as Lexi was in the kitchen, she slipped into Finn's hold as he flipped the pancakes which he was making for her. Whilst she was in Finn's arms, she glared at Rebekah who was making coffee which, despite the desirable smell, Lexi knew was one of the foods and drinks she had been told to avoid during her pregnancy and with her overprotective mates, she knew the 'in moderation' strategy wasn't going to work. 

After Lexi left Finn's hold, Elijah came up behind her, his arms sliding under her hoodie and wrapping around her waist whilst he began to nose of the crook of her neck. As Lexi relaxed into his hold, Elijah slid his thumb under her waistband and began to roll it down so that it didn't apply pressure to her stomach. His gesture caused Lexi to tense as she recalled why she had decided to wear these pants in the first place. Before Lexi could stop him, his body froze, his hands which were on her waist and lips which had begun to move against her neck stilling suddenly. 

Lexi, who quickly pieced together that Elijah had noticed the bump, tried to wriggle out of his hold but was held still by Elijah's other arm whilst he cupped her lower abdomen.


"Come on" Lexi whined as she tried to pry off Elijah's arm which was stopping her from moving. "I could literally have just eaten a burger when I was ovulating and my stomach would have bloated to the exact same size." Lexi reasoned as she continued to try and move under Elijah's firm grip. Her comment instantly attracted the attention of her other mates who quickly pieced together what she was referring to.

*Dramatically clears throat*

This folks,

is why you do not get in a relationship with a group of people who all have inner animals with breeding kinks but only for you...

okay... maybe I am the only one who will ever get into a situation like this... but still-


"Hello, Gorgeous." Enzo praised as he strolled into the Mikaelsons' living room, "Don't you look-"

"1000 weeks pregnant and pissed off at the world." Lexi said, cutting Enzo off.

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