Home Bound?

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"Did you really think I hadn't tried to kill myself before?" Kai asked. Lexi had to stop herself from quite literally leaping into his arms. "Because I had." Kai said, "Lots of times." Kai then began to reload the crossbow. "Lots of ways." He said. Kai, noticing Damon's eyes flickering to the ascendant said, "Grab that and the next arrow goes in her heart."

"No" Lexi uttered.

Fuck this

"It won't" Lexi said. Lexi then chanted a spell which prevented Damon and Kai from moving before she went over and crouched down next to Bonnie. She then pulled the arrow from Bonnie stomach and chanted a healing spell. "We have tried doing this Kai's way, Bonnie's way and we would have tried Damon's way if he had the intellectual capacity to get us out of here." Lexi said as she stood up, "Now it's my turn." 

Lexi then undid the spell on Damon and Kai and picked up the ascendant.

"Come on." Lexi said, "We are all going home." Damon and Bonnie then looked at each other nervously as their eyes flickered to Kai. "ALL of us" Lexi emphasized, noticing Damon and Bonnie's uncertainty. "This eclipse won't last forever, I'd get moving if I were you." After a moment of doubt, Kai, Damon and Bonnie moved to form a circle around her as they interlocked hands (except for the hand holding the ascendant which Damon just rested his hand under).

The group then moved into the stream of light where they were then consumed by an even brighter light.

"Bon voyage." Lexi heard Damon say as the world around them began to blur. 

And we are home bound?


"What the hell just happened?" Damon asked as he look around the woods. 

"It worked." Lexi breathed.

"Oh my God" Bonnie said.

"Remind me to listen to your more often" Damon said.

"But where's Kai?" Bonnie asked.

"When we changed worlds, I'm pretty sure we went back to where we were when we went to the prison world. Meaning we were sent back here and Kai was sent back to Portland." Lexi said.

"I can hear Stefan." Damon whispered.

"Let's all go home." Bonnie said as they all shared a look. Damon then sped off to where he heard Stefan's voice coming from, Bonnie went to find her way to Jeremy, Elena and Caroline whilst Lexi, in the middle of the night, walked around the boarder of Mystic Falls to the Mikaelson Mansion which was fortunately located just outside the boarder.


Holy shit I am not athletically inclined enough to run.

After almost an hour of walking around Mystic Falls, knowing that there were actual people around her other than Kai, Damon and Bonnie, the gates of the Mikaelson's Mansion finally came into view. As soon as she saw them Lexi began to sprint... that was a mistake.

It took a solid few moments before Lexi began wheezing. Once semi-recovering from her moderate heart attack, Lexi reached the gates of the Mikaelson Mansion. 

Gates which were locked.

Noticing that the gates were locked, Lexi reached to use the call box before discovering it was broken. Actually, broken implies it could be fixed. It was pure and utterly demolished. 

"Oh you have got to be kidding me" Lexi whispered. She then scanned the surroundings before concluding she had to climb over the fence. The fence which is designed to prevent unwanted visitors and stop Lexi from escaping. The fence which was also about 4-5 Lexi's tall and designed so that one can not climb over it.

Lexi however, was determined. 

Multiple failed attempts later, she realised just how many brain cells she lacked. After a quick chant, the gates burst open and Lexi began walking up the driveway of the mansion. Noticing a few lights on in the household, Lexi began to run as fast as one can after having walked for an hour, attempted to sprint a short distance and failed to climb a fence. 

Lexi's pace then slowed as she came to the front door which had very clearly been broken open. She then slowly entered the foyer as there was already a light on. Lexi instantly stopped moving as she saw a pool of blood residing on the floor in front of her.

"That's promising" Lexi muttered to herself as her eyes moved across the rest of the room. She then focussed on the stairwell where the entire railing had been crushed.

What the hell happened here?

"I'd suggest you leave unless you'd like to become dessert." A voice which Lexi recognised as Rebekah's called out.

What kind of dessert-

"Lexi" Finn whispered under his breath as he entered the foyer, intending on making whoever had entered their home his next meal. Upon seeing his mate, Finn's humanity instantly began to flicker through.

"Finn" Lexi said, as a smile spanned across her face. As soon as Finn processed that he could see his mate, hear her heart beat, faintly smell her scent and heard her utter his name, he sped towards her and wrapped his arms around her as his humanity broke through. 

"Angel" Finn mumbled against his mark as he began nosing at her neck. "I'm so sorry. I love you so much. I didn't-." He began to blurt out rapidly before she cut him off.

"I love you too but you don't need to apologize." Lexi muttered against the side of his head.

"I love you" Finn mumbled against her neck. Lexi was instantly grateful that she had remembered to cloak Kai's soul mark, meaning that Finn wouldn't be able to pick up Kai's scent. Finn tightened his grip on her waist as the emotions which he had been disconnected from began to rush back. 

Lexi, not entirely understanding the situation, responded by wrapping one of her arms around his back, the other around his waist. A series of apologies and promises began to pass Finn's lips as Lexi did her best to comfort him.

"Finn?" Rebekah asked the scene of her brother and mate reuniting played out in front of her. Lexi then moved one of her hands down Finn's chest and pushed him away just enough to see Rebekah standing at the top of the mutilated staircase. 

"Rebekah" Lexi said but her smile was paused as she noticed the blood which was currently splattered across Rebekah's clothes and skin. Lexi's expression dropped as her eyes followed the path of blood behind Rebekah which had been caused by the excess blood running off Rebekah's body. 

Once Rebekah concluded that her mate was somehow alive and standing in the foyer, she realised quickly that her mate's eyes weren't on her but rather her body. In any other situation, Rebekah would have been flattered, but the look of fear in Lexi's eyes told her otherwise. Rebekah then lowered her gaze to see the blood currently sprayed on and around her. The painful realisation then surfaced in Rebekah's mind,

Her mate was afraid of her.

Gamophobia: Mikaelson's Mate, MPМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя