Welcome to the Family

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A groan escaped Kai's lips as his eyes were blinded by an unbearably bright light. 

"Hey" Lexi whispered as she instantly came to his side. "You okay?" She asked as Kai moved to rub the back of his neck. Kai nodded as much as he could with the current stiffness in his neck whilst his eyes adjusted to the world around him. Kai's eyes first landed on Lexi's face before he began to notice details which he hadn't seen before. 

The miniscule freckles in between her more visible ones.

The light shades of amber which were scattered around the outskirts of her eyes. 

The way her lower lip twitched slightly as she let out a deep breath.

After Kai's eyes explored the new details of her face, his gaze lowered to the location which was calling him. As Kai's eyes picked up on the way her jugular moved with each beat of her heart and remembered what had happened before he passed out, Nik spoke.

"You want to feed off her." Klaus stated simply.

"I guess" Kai muttered, not yet understanding the new feeling as he sat up. As Kai's eyes remained on her neck, Nik picked up a blood bag which he had retrieved when Kai was unconscious and tore open the top of the bag.

"Niklaus-" Elijah started but was stopped by Nik.

"Just a moment" Klaus said, widening the tear in the bag, careful not to spill any of the dark liquid. Finn, not entirely trusting Niklaus' idea, moved towards Lexi, encouraging her to stand next to him in case something went wrong. "Now," Klaus started, holding up the blood bag. "Which one would you rather feed off?" He asked, his head nodding towards Lexi. 

This man-

Kai's gaze then began to nervously move between Lexi's neck and the blood bag. After a few minutes, Klaus spoke again.

"Focus on the hunger" He said, "Not the craving."

...because that makes sense.

Kai then thought for a moment before deciding.

"Whatever that is" Kai answered, gesturing to the blood bag.

"So it is true." Klaus stated before running his tongue over his fangs in order to control his underlying anger. Nik then turned and picked up a fresh blood bag before he threw it so that it landed in Kai's lap. "Welcome to the family, mate." Klaus uttered, unwillingness clear in his tone.


"So what actually is the mate bond?" Kai asked as he watched Finn move around the kitchen. After the Mikaelsons reluctantly came to terms with Lexi and Kai being mates, they decided to play nice as they didn't want to cause Lexi anymore pain and Kai was then allocated a spare room which he could stay in. Currently, they were all in the kitchen whilst Finn made Lexi dinner. 

"As we already spoke about," Elijah started, "The mate bond is a supernatural connection which binds us all to Lexi as she acts as our humanity."

"Why Lexi?" Kai asked.

"Because she's perfect." Kol mumbled against her the crook of her neck where his nose was currently buried. 

"But why is it only Lexi." Kai asked, "Why weren't we each given our own mate?" 

"When our mother, Esther, completed the spell which gave my siblings and I mates, she believed that we would each get our own." Elijah said, "It was not until recently that we pieced together in order for us to have had our own mates, Esther would have needed to write an individual spell for each of us."

"And if your father used the same spell but only adapted it suit a witch, that would've resulted in you also being mated to Lexi." Finn explained.

"What did you mean when you said that Lexi acts as our humanity?" Kai asked. 

"The purpose of the mate bond was for it to counter for my siblings and I's blood lust and disregard for our human life after our transition. As you would have noticed, when yourself or my siblings are around Lexi it brings out what we refer to as an inner animal which has heightened emotions and is designed to- 'fangirl' over Lexi." Elijah explained, reluctantly using the terminology Lexi preferred. 

"When you say you and your siblings you are referring to- " Kai prompted.

"Myself, Finn, Niklaus, Kol and Rebekah." Elijah answered, nodding his head at each of the siblings as he spoke their names. Kai then turned to look at Rebekah, his gaze flickering between her and Lexi as his mind began processing the new information. As Rebekah was sitting next to Lexi, she responded to his gesture by possessively wrapping on her hand around Lexi's thigh, her other around Lexi's wrist, tracing her mark with her fingertips. Kai's gaze then fell to Rebekah's hands, his eyes focussing on the scarring around Lexi's wrist. 

Lexi let out a sharp breath as she brainstormed ideas for the inevitable homophobic response she was expecting Kai to provide.

"Okay" Kai said, unfazed, "Next question-"


"Can I ask you something?" Lexi questioned as she continued tracing Nik's chest with her fingers. After a surprisingly peaceful dinner which was only a result of the Mikaelsons not wanting to upset Lexi anymore, Kai asked a few more questions before Lexi said she wanted an early night seeing as how chaotic their day had been. Now, Nik and Lexi were currently cuddling in his bed whilst they processed everything that had happened that day.

"Of course, Love" Nik said, dreading the idea of her question being in regards his earlier actions. Lexi paused for a moment as she thought about how to word her question before speaking.

"When I found you and your humanity was still off" Lexi started as Nik tensed at the painful memory. "You thought that I wasn't really there and kept referring to something that was making you see me." Lexi continued, "What were you talking about?"

Nik let out sharp breath as he tightened his hold around her. In response, Lexi curled further into his chest, trying to make him feel as secure as possible.

"When you were, wherever you were, even with my humanity off, I couldn't bare to live a life without you." Nik said, "So I resorted to the next best thing."

"Which was?" Lexi prompted. 

"I got in contact with a witch who began supplying me with some herbs which allowed me to see you." Klaus uttered, not proud of his action. 

"See me?" Lexi asked.

"The herbs allowed my subconscious to trick my conscious into seeing you and believing that you were really there." Klaus explained.

"What went wrong between then and when I found you?"

"One of the side effects of the herbs was that my blood lust was heightened and as a no-humanity vampire that just resulted in far too many massacres to count." Nik said as he began to nervously toy with some of her hair, "But as I was still using the herbs, I saw how I thought you would react to what I had become and even without my humanity I couldn't handle it. So, the reason why I was in the warehouse where you found me was because I intended on desiccating myself and leaving my body in a coffin in that storage unit."


"It's okay, Love." Nik mumbled as he moved to bury his head in her hair, "You're here now. That's all that matters."

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