I Feel Like Davina Claire

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Lexi let out a sharp breath as she tried to hold her paint brush with her shaky hand. After a few failed attempts at stabilizing her grip, Lexi let out a groan before dropping the brush down to the palette in frustration. As Lexi began to nervously pace around the room, she took the opportunity to step back and look at her painting. 

It was... 

definitely creative.

She then let out a annoyed huff as she raised her hands to run through her hair, accidentally decorating her forehead and hair with some of the paint she had smeared on her hands. Lexi intertwined her fingers before resting her hands on top of her head as she turned to examine the artworks she had created earlier that morning.

They were all somewhat abstract with the same colour scheme. Some of the less abstract pieces appeared to have some resemblance to facial features, none of which belonged to herself or any of her mates. Lexi then moved her hands to hover in front of her stomach as she began anxiously cracking her knuckles, the unjustifiable feeling of anxiety Lexi had been trying to supress all morning resurfacing. 

"Love" Nik called from the doorway, snapping Lexi from her trance. Due to the shock Lexi experienced as a result of being abruptly snapped from her daze, as Lexi turned to face Niklaus, her magic broke through suddenly causing all of the light bulbs in the art studio Lexi was in to shatter. "Are you alright?" He asked, his eyes trailing over the floor which was now littered with broken glass from the light globes.

"Just on edge" Lexi uttered as turned back to her painting, deciding whether or not it was complete.

"Why don't you take a seat?" Nik suggested as he approached her, careful to avoid the glass. "Tell me what is going on in that beautiful mind." He continued once he reached her before pressing a soft kiss to her temple. Lexi complied with his suggestion, collapsing in a leather chair which was sitting in the  corner of the studio. 

Once Lexi was in the seat, she blindly reached for her glass of water which she knew was somewhere on the cabinet next to her. Lexi then wrapped her hand around the glass as she continued to watch Nik.

"What are you doing?" Lexi questioned as she pulled the glass off the cabinet and into her hands. 

"Just admiring" Klaus said as he walked away from her most recent paintings which he had just been analysing. Nik then swiftly walked up to Lexi, taking the glass from her hold before placing it on a nearby table as she went to take a sip.


Lexi opened her mouth to begin voicing her outrage but was silenced as Nik handed her an identical glass with water in it. Lexi's eyes then flickered to the glass on the table.

That is paint water.

I was about to drink my paint water.

Well done, Lexi.

As Lexi began to drink the clean water, she watched as Nik held up the canvases she had painted most recently. Lexi continued to spectate curiously as he began rearranging them.  

"They're bad." Lexi mumbled, "I know."

"Nothing you make could even compare to what you define as bad, Love." Nik complimented, "I believe these works however, are part of something bigger. Tell me, what was the inspiration behind these?"

"A bad feeling I have." Lexi muttered as she reached for her phone which had somehow made it's way to the floor of the studio. As soon as Lexi turned it on, she noticed the seemingly infinite amount of missed calls from Damon and numerous texts which were also from Damon, telling her to call him. Nik hummed at her words as he continued interacting with her work.

After finishing the glass and ignoring Damon, Lexi stood from the seat and walked out of the room, careful to avoid the broken glass on the floor before moving towards the kitchen with the intent of going to get more water and possibly some food. As Lexi entered the kitchen, the painfully loud sound of their new doorbell rang throughout the house.

Holy shit we need to get that fixed.

As Lexi downed another glass of water, the doorbell began ringing on repeat before it was suddenly stopped. Lexi then moved towards the foyer and concluded that a snack could wait until she had told whoever was at the door to piss off. Once Lexi had entered the foyer, she quickly took note of Elijah and Kol who were both waiting in the foyer. After Lexi approached the door and skeptically eyed the brothers, she turned to see Klaus and Rebekah watching from a nearby room. Lexi then concluded that Finn was most likely lurking nearby as well.

Lexi rolled her eyes and muttered something about guard dogs before opening the front door slightly, preparing to slam it on whoever was on the other side's face. As soon as Lexi cracked open the door, her eyes landed on Damon's. Lexi instantly narrowed her eyes at him. She had given him, Stefan and Bonnie a key for a reason. 

"What do you want?" Lexi asked, her eyes flickering over to Elijah and Kol who were currently standing behind the door, just out of Damon's view.

"Open the door more and you'll find out that I want nothing." Damon remarked, his tone coming off extremely amused for some unknown reason. Lexi eyed him suspiciously before opening the door more. Lexi eyes then held Damon's before they moved to the figure next to him. 

Next to this less than thrilled Damon was-





After a moment Lexi finally built up the courage to speak.


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