Sleep is a Strange Concept

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A smile overtook Lexi's features as she continued to toy with Elijah's hair. Currently, it was Elijah's night and he was taking full advantage of it. Elijah usually like to pride himself on his nobleman behaviour but that didn't stop him from wanting to be a pure and utter softie for Lexi. Now was one of the times when Elijah had unknowingly let down his composure. Lexi was now only wearing her lingerie and a pair of Elijah's sweat pants.

*insert audible gasp*

Elijah Mikaelson owns sweatpants!!!!!

Elijah was currently lying on her chest, his face resting on her bare breasts whilst the rest of his body clung to Lexi's. Lexi, who had realised that in his sleep, Elijah's inner animal was trying to get as close to her as possible, was lying under him with her legs wrapped around his hips. As Elijah stirred slightly in his sleep, Lexi concluded that it was just a result of her toying with the strands of his hair. That is what she thought... until she felt it.





Lexi tried to keep her body as still as possible as she concluded that Elijah's dream were as freaky as he is in the red room. Her heart began to race as she contemplated if there was any way to evaporate off the surface of the Earth. Of course Lexi knew that over the years the Mikaelson siblings would have had wet dreams and sleep-boners... BUT SHE WAS NEVER AWAKE FOR THEM.

Elijah then buried his face slightly deeper into her chest.


Lexi was brought from her thoughts as she felt Elijah's lips beginning to move against her breasts.

and he is awake...

but he doesn't need to know I am...

Elijah's lips then began to move further up her body until he reached his mark. As Elijah grazed the area with his fangs, Lexi struggled to keep up the act. Elijah then ran his lips up her neck before stopping just below her ear.

"I know you're awake." Elijah whispered just below her ear.

Oh shit

Lexi's eyes fluttered open to meet Elijah's after a moment. Lexi instantly let out a soft whimper as she met Elijah's heated gaze. Elijah hummed in acknowledgement before trailing his fingers along the side of her figure causing chills to crawl over Lexi's skin. As Lexi gulped in anticipation, a smirk overtook Elijah's lips, knowing how much he was currently affecting her.

Elijah then softly ran his breath over Lexi's throat as he lowered his head down her body. After removing Lexi's bra, Elijah instantly attached his lips to her breasts, pulling her soft flesh between his teeth whilst he rolled each of her nipples between his fingers. As a fire began to burn throughout Lexi's body, she let out a muffled moan before she buried her face in Elijah's hair. Lexi then moved to entangle her fingers in Elijah's hair, knowing that it was the best way for her to return the pleasure Elijah was providing her with in their current positioning. Before Lexi could even make contact with Elijah's hair, she was stopped by Elijah who pulled away to lightly grab her wrists before speaking.

"Allow me to worship you." Elijah requested as he looked up at her.

And he most certainly did.


As Lexi tried to fake her sleep, she contemplated everything that had happened in her life that led to this moment...

She had no regrets,

Okay... maybe a few.

Lexi continued to take deep breaths in order to keep her heartrate steady despite her underlying excitement. As the door to Nik's bedroom creaked open, Lexi focussed all of her concentration on her breathing...

And not the lingerie which was currently the only thing stopping her from dying of hypothermia...

Or the feeling of her freshly shaved legs against the covers of Nik's bed sheets...

Or the leather around her throat...

Especially not that last one.

As Nik slowly entered his room, he noticed Lexi who appeared to have fallen asleep when she previously came into his room to lie down. Lexi's body was currently facing away from him, the sheets covering her body whilst her dark hair concealed her neck and shoulders. Nik then closed the door before quietly approaching his bed. After a moment, he slowly lifted the covers to join Lexi in bed. Nik then rolled over to mimicked her position before pressing their bodies together and sliding his arm around her waist.

Nik quickly took note of her clothing situation before concluding that it would be useful in the morning. As Nik tilted his head so that his nose could rest in the crook of her neck, he instantly noticed a foreign object wrapped around Lexi's throat. He then began to nose at the area which was still mostly covered by her hair, trying to decipher what the item was. It didn't take long for Nik to brush her hair out of the way and inspect the object. As soon as Nik figured out what the item was, the blood drained from his face and began to rush elsewhere.

"Love" Klaus whispered as he pushed on Lexi's shoulder, encouraging her to roll over and wake up.

"Yes?" Lexi teased knowingly as she already knew very well why Nik had just tried to wake her up and what this meant. After Lexi rolled over, Nik instantly ran his nose along the base of the collar Lexi was wearing as he was overcome with her incredible scent. Lexi's fingers entangled in Nik's hair as she tugged lightly on his curls. Nik's hands then began to roam Lexi's body causing warm tingles to spread throughout her.

Niklaus then brought one of his hands up to cup the side of Lexi's neck, his thumb tracing the collar she was wearing.

"You like it?" Lexi asked already knowing the answer.

"Love it." Nik corrected as he began to transfer his body over hers. His groin brushed over Lexi's thigh... he definitely loved it. Nik's eyes began to run over Lexi's upper half as he tried to decide where he was going to focus his gaze, his fingers still trailing over the leather.

The collar had been one of the many kinks Lexi had picked up on Klaus having over the years. This specific collar, Nik had gotten a few weeks before Lexi went to the prison world meaning they had never gotten the chance to use it.

Lexi, deciding to take control of the situation, rolled Nik onto his back and began straddling his hips before pressing their lips together. She then slid her hand up Nik's shirt so that her hands could rest on the lower parts of his abdomen. Nik then arched his back up enough for Lexi to slip his shirt off. Lexi then spread her thighs enough for Nik to slip off his pants and boxers.

As Lexi returned her body weight onto Klaus' hips, she followed the force of Nik's hand which was pushing her head back down so that their lips could meet. Once their lips began to move together, Nik moved his other hand to hold Lexi's hip before he began encouraging her to grind against him. Lexi instantly responded by following his guide causing Klaus to release a low groan against her lips.

After a moment, Nik reached down and tore the small piece of fabric interfering with their intimacy. He then entered two of his fingers whilst he continued moving her hips. As Lexi began to lose herself in the pleasure, she quickly moved her hands from Nik's torso to his shoulders in order to keep her stability as she pulled away from his lips.

Noticing the groan Nik let out at her movement, Lexi's curiosity got the better of her and she moved one of her hands from his shoulder and wrapped it around his throat gently, testing the waters. Lexi instantly felt the vibrations of Nik's moans under her hand and then tightened her grip slightly. As Lexi's grip tightened, part of Nik's inner animal snapped as he was overcome with admiration for his mate. Using his enhanced speed, Nik replaced his fingers with his length before showing Lexi just how much admiration he truly had for her... multiple times.

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