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"In the flesh" Kai declared, happily rocking back and forth on his feet.

Oh fuck no

As Lexi's soul evaporated from her body, she tried to decide between whether she was more excited to see Kai or more nervous about her other mate's reactions. Lexi would be lying if she said she had forgotten about Kai. It is kind of hard to forget about someone you are destined to be with. Lexi would also be lying if she said she hadn't been enjoying the peace her alone time with the Mikaelsons had brought.

"Can I come in?" Kai asked, his eyes searching the small fragment of the home which was visible behind Lexi as he noticed the look of distress on her face. Lexi thought about the question for a moment as she weighed up the chances of her being able to stop the Mikaelson's from murdering Kai on sight. Unable to bring herself to speak, Lexi just stepped back and to the side so that she was in-line with the door, allowing Kai to enter. A smile instantly broke out on Kai's face as he entered the mansion. As soon as Kai was inside, each of the Mikaelsons began to size him up, trying to piece together who the imposter was. Lexi's eyes instantly shot up to Damon's pleadingly as she realised that she didn't want to deal with all the Mikaelsons and Kai on her own. 

"You're on your own with this one." Damon said. "I've already been told." He explained, his eyes flickering down to where Kai's soul mark would be if Lexi hadn't concealed it. "Bye" Damon chirped in a teasing tone as he turned and walked away before Lexi could respond.

absolutely the fuck not.

Lexi let out a nervous breath before closing the door.

"We need to talk."


"Kai and I are mates." Lexi blurted out after a few moments of dancing around the idea. After somehow managing to bring the Mikaelsons and Kai into one living room, they all sat down on the furniture, Kai on the opposite side of the room to Lexi by the Mikaelsons' request, before Lexi began to explain. The room then fell into a painful silence as the Mikaelsons processed the information whilst Kai acknowledged the title he had just been given. 

"No" Nik said, breaking the silence. 

"That's not how this-" Lexi started but was cut off.

"I don't care." Klaus snapped, unintentionally flashing his eyes at her. 


"How do you know?" Elijah asked, snapping Lexi and Klaus away from their glaring competition. 

"I made a tattoo appear on her body." Kai chimed in. Lexi let out a sigh, knowing that the more Kai talked, the higher the chance of him being killed was.

"You activated the bond?" Finn asked, hurt clear in his underlying tone. 

"Not intentionally." Lexi said, trying to do quite literally anything to ease the Mikaelsons' minds.

"How do you accidentally activate the mate bond?" Kol asked.

"The bond with Kai is different as Kai is a witch" Lexi explained. Each of the Mikaelsons tried to hide the effect that comment had on them. As much as the Mikaelsons tried to be involved in every aspect of Lexi's life, they all knew that as they had lost their magic in their transition, they would never be able to be as involved as they wished with that part of her. As a result of this vulnerability, Kai being a witch painfully prodded at an already agonizing insecurity. Noticing the silence, Lexi continued speaking. "Because of this, the bond was activated when Kai siphoned from me."

Elijah, picking up on his siblings confusion explained. "It's the intimate act. With vampires, blood-sharing is the most intimate act one can complete. With witches, it is magic-sharing, so to speak." Elijah uttered, unable to meet any of the eyes in the room. "Hence how our bonds with Lexi were activated with blood-sharing whilst Kai's bond was activated with siphoning."

"But in the spell which created the mate bond, it was written to only be used for vampires." Kol countered.

"Technically the spell could be adapted for any supernatural being." Lexi reasoned.

"Why would the spell even be needed for him?" Rebekah snapped. 

"The mate bond spell is used for humanities." Elijah said, "If a powerful witch or coven had any reason to believe that Kai lacked humanity they could have adapted the spell for him."

"My father tried countless amounts of spells to-" Kai started but hesitated before he continued, "Fix me. One of them may have very well been this spell you're talking about."

"Care to share why you would need fixing?" Klaus asked, his tone laced with venom. When Kai stayed silent, Lexi answered for him.

"Kai is a siphoner witch." She explained, "Despite being completely normal, in all traditional covens it is looked down on. Meaning that they most likely thought that there was something wrong and tried any spell they could get their hands on to fix it." Lexi worded her response carefully, not wanting to share just yet that Kai defined himself as a sociopath. Klaus grit his teeth before exchanging a look with Kol.

"Well there is only one way to truly tell if you actually share a mate bond with Lexi." Klaus stated as he and Kol began to approach Kai slowly from either side. 

"What is it?" Kai asked, his eyes meeting Nik's whilst Kol's eyes met Rebekah's before flickering over to Lexi, careful not to meet her eyes.

"Nik" Lexi warned as Kai stood in defence. 

"Oh it's okay, Love" Nik said as he held Kai's eyes. "This will solve this little dilemma." He spat. Lexi watched the interaction closely as she mentally prepared herself to hurt one of them with her magic if need be. As Nik and Kol stared down Kai from either side of him, Lexi heart began to race nervously, her subconscious telling her to do something, her conscious mind not wanting to make the Mikaelsons feel even more threatened by her choosing Kai over them.

As Lexi, Kai, Kol and Klaus watched to see which one of them would make the first move, Kol subtly nodded to Rebekah which went unnoticed by Lexi and Kai. 

"My love, I can't help but think-" Rebekah said as she came to her side, taking Lexi's hand in her own. As Lexi went to cut her off so that she could return her attention to what had become a very tense situation, she heard the sound she had been dreading since Kai entered the house.

A sickening crunch played throughout the room as Kai's body fell to the floor. 

Add that to the tally of people I have lost.

As Lexi turned her attention to Kai's body, she closed her eyes as she tried to keep her composure. Once her eyes re-opened they landed on Kai's lifeless face before picking up on key detail she had previously missed.

A smudge of blood on his lower lip.

Her eyes then shot up to Kol's wrist which was now tainted with a faint droplets of blood.

Kol's blood is in his system.

They turned him.

It was times like these when Lexi wished she had a humanity switch so that she wouldn't have to deal with unnecessary heartache being mated to the Mikaelsons brought. Lexi's emotionless eyes returned to Kai's body as she thought about how long it would take him to wake up. 

Without saying anything, Lexi slid her hand from Rebekah's and adjusted her position so that her legs were pulled into her chest whilst her chin rested her her knees, allowing herself to watch Kai's body. Klaus and Kol guiltily watched Lexi in her grief before Klaus spoke.

"This will reveal whether he has an inner animal or not." Klaus explained, trying to relieve the tension that had surfaced. Lexi's expression stayed the same as her breathing and heat rate remained steady. Nik, trying to make up for the guilt he was feeling, continued speaking. "It will make sure that-"

"Just stop." Lexi whispered, her eyes still on Kai as she cut off Klaus.

Gamophobia: Mikaelson's Mate, MPWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt