May 10th 1994

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"I didn't know you cooked." Bonnie said as she watched Damon flip the blueberry pancakes he was currently making.

"I don't" He deadpanned, "How did you sleep? Me, not good. My 1994 mattress was very lumpy." As Damon finished speaking Lexi groaned as she entered the kitchen. "Exhibit B" Damon said, pointing at Lexi with the spatula he was using. After waking up this morning, Lexi decided to go on a walk whilst Damon was showering. Once she returned, she showered and got changed whilst Damon began making pancakes. "What'd you got there?" Damon asked, gesturing to the stuffed toy Bonnie was holding.

"Miss Cuddles" Bonnie said, clearly excited, "I lost her when I was nine but when I went into my house last night, there she was." After placing Miss Cuddles down on the counter, Bonnie pulled out the other object she found, "I also found this at my grams' house. Her old grimoire."

"If I hear that world one more time, I might actually have to learn how to spell it." Lexi groaned as she made a pot of coffee.

"Yeah well, I found this" Damon said holding up the bottle of bourbon he was currently drinking out of, "Drank it last year when Ric died."

"So we're in this snapshot of another time or something." Bonnie said, trying to stay focussed on the task at hand. "Everything that existed in 1994" Bonnie said whilst Damon blindly picked a CD, "Still exists."

"For better or for worse." Damon said before he pressed a kiss to the CD he just found.

"Listen," Bonnie said as she turned off the CD player, "There was a time when I couldn't practice magic. Maybe, with a little help from Lexi and this grimoire, I can reteach myself."

"If your still a witch." Damon said, restarting the CD player.

"Would a little support kill you?" Bonnie asked, beginning to become irritated with Damon's pessimism.

"Oi," Damon scolded as he turned around to see that Lexi had stolen a pancake from the pile of cooked ones, "Out of the pancakes." After returning to the stove, Damon continued speaking, "I am acutely aware that we are in some other worldly time dimension." Damon said. "However, did you ever think for a second" Damon started, "That it is you being negative reacting to my natural self, negatively? Hmm?"

"You're ridiculous." Bonnie said.

"No, I'm consistent." Damon said, handing her a plate "Now eat your pancakes. Oh and you can do a crossword puzzle." Damon said as he handed her the newspaper.

"Oh gee thanks," Bonnie said, "Breakfast with my least favourite person, favourite person and a crossword puzzle from 1994."

"Sounds fun to me" Lexi deadpanned as she accepted the plate Damon was offering her.

"Alright," Bonnie said as she grabbed a pen, "What's a seven-letter word for-" Bonnie was quickly cut off by the world around them going dark.

"I can't be the only one who remembers this happening yesterday." Lexi said, pointing to the sky.

"You have got to be kidding me." Damon groaned, "Bonnie look at the date on that paper."

"May 10th 1994." She uttered, "It's the same date as yesterday."

"We're living the same day all over again." Lexi muttered.

"Well, that proves it," Damon started, "We're in hell. My own personal, custom built hell, and you two are in it with me."


"So which one of them is the best?" Damon asked. After finding out they were stuck on May 10th 1994, Bonnie, Damon and Lexi stalled the rest of the day before they made dinner together and were now drinking away their worries of how bad their situation was.

"Who and at what?" Lexi asked.

"Which Mikaelson is the best?" Bonnie asked, using her tone to imply what her and Damon were referring to. Lexi groaned, trying to bury her embarrassment in the pillows she was surrounded by.

"How many times am I going to get asked this?" Lexi asked herself, her face still buried in the pillow she was holding.

"Come on, Lex." Damon encouraged.

"They each have their own skills they are best at." Lexi said, her face still buried in their pillows.

"So overall-" Bonnie encouraged.

"You know what?" Lexi asked. "If we are still here in one month I will tell you who is best overall, if we are still here in two months I will rate them and in three months I will give you a full on review with a detailed description of my first time with each of them." Lexi deadpanned, knowing that they would most likely be out of here in a few weeks.

"Okay, deal." Damon said, shaking her hand.

I won't regret this... right?


"Do you honestly believe that Bonnie will get her magic back and figure out a way for us to get out of here?" Damon genuinely asked as he and Lexi lay in his bed, about to fall asleep. 

"I think Bonnie just needs the right motivation. Her magic is there, that I know, it's just a matter of how long it will take her to reach it." Lexi said. Damon hummed at her thought. After a few more hours of talking, Bonnie, Damon and Lexi decided to call it a night. Damon and Lexi are currently in Damon's room whilst Bonnie took one of the spare rooms.

"How long do you think it will take her to get the right motivation?" Damon asked.

"A few weeks in this universe with you is sure to do it." Lexi said as Damon chuckled beneath her. 

"Do you think they are looking for a way to get us back?" Damon asked as he began nervously toying with her hair.

"I think that Stefan and Elena are grieving right now, so they probably aren't. I was very clear I didn't want my mates to figure out a way for me to come back. Caroline however, I think is now, if not will be, working her ass of to find a way to bring us back, all she need's is some hope we are actually alive." Lexi said.

"Is there anyway you could send her a message from here?" Damon asked.

"I can try tomorrow, but right now I am far too tired to do anything." Lexi said. 

"All of this combined," Damon said, "Do you think we will get out of here?"

"Yeah" Lexi mumbled before she yawned.

"Goodnight, Lex" Damon said, pressing a kiss to her hairline.

"Goodnight, Damon."

Gamophobia: Mikaelson's Mate, MPWhere stories live. Discover now