Chapter 11. Bag of happiness

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Lee Felix is a total wreck right now. Not only because he got caught having sex with his dance teacher and might have to face some sort of consequence, but also because he is trying to get high with his best friend, Hyunjin.

"Holy shit dude! That fuckin' sucks." Hyunjin says while giggling. Felix bites into the "chocolate brownie" laughing too, not caring that he already ate 5 of them. In the dark room, the only light source was the bright yellow fairy lights Hyunjin placed across the wall. The room had a calming aura that could relax anyone. Felix loves the betas room, along with the homey-feel it brought him.

He leans back against the bed and swallows the last bit he has in his mouth. Felix turns his head to look at Hyunjin, then cackles loudly. "What are you laughing at?" He asks. The omega shakes his head before responding. "Im just... think about tomorrow, and bracing myself for all the name calling," He giggles quietly, small body shaking. Hyunjins grin slightly went down while starring at the omega then sat up.

"So, when did you guys... get together?" Hyunjin asked awkwardly. Felix squinted his eyes hoping it would help him remember correctly. "Well, we aren't together but, wait do you think we're dating?" A giggle left the omegas mouth at Hyunjins assumption.

"W-Well yeah! I mean you wouldn't have sex with a person you're not dating or atleast married to, right?"

Felix blankly stares at a bag of chips laying on the bed for a second then picked it up and opened it. He tossed a few in his mouth and pretened that he didn't hear the beta.

Hyunjins eyebrows furrowed in confusion until sudden realization hit him. No way Felix was capable of that. He couldn't believe the omega, a goody-two-shoes, was becoming rebellious. Hyunjin gasped in shock with a hand over his mouth. "Holy shit, Felix! You dirty little omega!" He snickered towards the younger. Now embarrassed, Felix grabbed a handful of chips and threw them at Hyunjin.

"Hey, I'm going to get ants!" The older quickly swiped up all the crumbs and took it to the trash. Felix rolled his eyes at Hyunjin and stretched his legs. They weren't dating. A pout formed on Felix's face as he thought about their relationship. What were they exactly? He had no clue what to call them. Chan and Felix weren't friends, nor partners. In fact, Felix knows nothing about his dance teacher, personally. What's Chans favorite color? He doesn't know. What are his parents nanes? He doesn't know. What's Chans favorite snack? He doesn't know. When's the old man's birthday? The omega knows nothing about him! If Felix was able to know everything about him, he would. He'd take the time to learn about him, but he can't. Especially after yesterday's embarrassing scene. Felix does not want to step a foot in the building.

"We aren't dating," Hyunjin layed right next to the omega and listened quietly. "W-We were supposed to go out this Friday but... I doubt that's happening. I don't even have his number, Hyunjin," He bit his bottom lip nervously as he took a deep breath. "He said he likes me but I don't know if he's telling the truth."

Hyunjin gave Felix a look of pity. He handed Felix another brownie and a water bottle. "That one has cannabis so that'll definitely help you, no more for you though, ok?" Reciving a nod from the omega, Hyunjin grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around Felix. "I don't need a high, sad Felix right now," He pulled the younger in his arms and caressed his cheek. For the first time, Felix felt... relived. Having everything spill out, having a weight lifted off his back, made him feel at ease. He still doesn't know if it's because of the brownies, or because of Hyunjin.

"I promise you Felix, you'll be ok. If Mr. Bang doesn't want to go out with you, it's his lose, not yours. Any alpha, beta, or omega would be lucky to call you theirs." He reassured Felix.

A warm feeling spread through the omegas chest. Was he really that special? Obviously yes. The sides of his lips turned up softly due to the compliment. Maybe he didn't have to worry about that. If Chan didn't like him, why would he want to go on a date with him. Unless, it was only for the sex? The poor omega shook the thought away and stuffed the rest of the brownie in his mouth. A splash of chocolate cleared his head, no longer thinking of Chan, and no longer over thinking himself. Hmm, these edibles are good. Where are they from?

"Hey Hyunjin?" Felix faced the older. "Yeah?" Their eyes met. "Who gave you these?" He asked casually. A small chuckle rumbled from Hunjins chest as he replied. "I bought them from Changbin. His stuff isn't that expensive, you know?" You know? "No Hyunjin, I don't know." A sarcastic look washed over Felix's face.

"Of course you don't."


The wind blew through his hair as he stood infront of the building. Let's get this over with. Forcing one foot after another, he made it to the door.

Sadly, the edibles didn't last long enough to keep his nerves calm. The grip on his bag became tigher as seconds pass, waiting to see what chaos was coming his way. On his way down the hall, no one spoke to him, or looked his way. Which was usually how it always was. It seemed like today was just another day for him. Weird...

Felix expected insults and laughter aimed his way. Maybe Chan was right.

He walked into the room to see other dancers stretching and lightly warming up. "Felix! Hey, how are you?" Min-yeong came up to him and smiled.

"Oh, hey Min-yeong, I'm ok," He replied in a sweet tone. Felix sat his bag down right next to Hyunjins and took his shrug off. "Why do you ask?"

She laughed and hit his shoulder. Ouch...

"Felix come on! It's already been a day and you forgot? And here I thought you were a good friend," Min-yeong softly pouted, looking upset. "But I didn't forget. Hyunjin usually doesn't ask how I am, we just talk."

"Talk about what?" Felix's head whippes to his right only to see Hyunjin next to him. "Oh- Hey Hyunjin." He greets the older.

Hyunjin eyes Min-yeong suspiciously as she tries to avoid his sharp gaze. He leaned towards Felix and cups his ear. "Why are you talking to her?" The beta whispers.

"Hyunjin, this is my friend, Min-yeong." Hyunjins mind went blank for a second until he was able to comprehend Felix's words. "Wha- When did this happen?" He asked anxiously. Last thing he wants is Min-yeong stealing his best friend away from him. He is Felix's best friend. Not her.

"Uhm, yesterday before practice with Minho." He responded.

The sound of a door being opened grabbed their attention from the conversation. "Oh, looks like Mr. Bang is here, let's go!" Min-yeong said excitedly. As Felix tried to leave, he was held back by a hand. "What is it Hyunjin?" He asked.

"You like me more though, right?" Felix rolls his eyes and chuckles. "Yes Hyunjin, you are my number one friend." He said while holding up his finger. The beta smiles and throws his arm around his shoulder.

"Nice, now let's go see your boy-"

"Shut up!"


Sorry this is short!! Next one will be much longer

𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘚𝘸𝘢𝘯 - ChanlixNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ