Chapter 5. Every man gets his wish

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As soon as Felix got the choreography, he practiced nonstop in the studio. Day and night blood, sweat, and tears were shed. Well, maybe not blood and tears. But you get the point.

He needed to be the best. He needed to be better than Min-yeong. He needed to be better than Lee Felix.

The day before auditions came around Felix was nervous. He didn't want to fail and embrarress himself. It kept him up all night, worrying about them until he fell asleep.


He was in the waiting room sitting next to a wall practicing his arm movements. The sound of talking, giggling, and laughing rung through the room.

"Lee Felix?" An old lady asked. He got up and fixed his gray shrug. "Please come with me." They walked to one of the other dance rooms and there he saw Chan. He was surprised to see that Chan was going to judge him. He looked up from his clip board and smiled. "Ah Felix, are you auditioning for the swan queen?" He asked. Felix nodded. "Very well then, maestro." The pianist turned to work his fingers.

The first note played and Felix let the music drive his body. He could feel every muscle in his system move. It was all hazy for him. The emotions he put into the dance were overwhelming, the purity he portrayed, the fear. Chan watched the boy with a sharp eye, watching his feet and arms, making sure he didn't miss a thing. The adrenaline rush felt amazing, making his every move flawless. Felix was flawless. It went by so fast for him. The music came to an end and so did the boy.

He stayed in his ending position waiting for Chan to say something. "If I was only casting the white swan, she'd be yours, but I'm not." Hearing that made him blush. The white swan symbolized beauty, purity, and grace. "Thank you." Felix breathed out. "Now show me your black swan, maestro." He looked at the pianist.

His legs were still shaking from the first dance. He heard the music and spun. He tried to keep his pace steady, but he was too focused on making it perfect. Chans hard gaze made it tougher. "Dont be so controlled, seduce me, not just the prince but the court, the audience, the entire world, come on!" He breathed in and out. "Your fouettés are like a spider spinning in a web!" Chan yelled at him.

"Attack it!"


"Attack it!"


"Attack it!"


"Come on!"

Then suddenly Felix lost his balance on his last turn. He stumbled a bit trying to stand up straight. The music stopped. Felix didn't want to look up and see the disappointment on the man's face. He must've had high hopes for Felix and all he did was bring them down.

Chan scratched his head and grabbed the clip board. "S-should I go again?" His shakey voice said. The man shook his head. "No, I've seen enough, you can leave now." Felix felt like his heart was about to burst from both beating and embarrassment. "I- ok." He said quietly. He walked out the room, and went straight to the bathroom. The tears he held in fell from his eyes onto his cheeks. The omega wept knowing he disappointed Chan.


He opened the door and walked silently in. It was already past nine and he didn't want to wake his parents up. His swollen eyes stared at the wooden floor. What did I do wrong? Felix was too tired for thinking so he went straight to bed.


The next day he was at the studio. He decided to try and convince Chan to let him dance again. "Hey, do you know where Mr. Bang is at?" He asked one of his dance mates. "Uh I don't know where he is at the moment but his assigned room is right there." She pointed to a tall black door. "Oh ok thank you." A few moments later he sees Chan and walks up to him. "Do you have a moment?" He asked.

Chan opened the door to let him in. "I know now is not a good ti-" "Now is perfect." He closed the door dropping some papers on the desk and sat on the edge of it. "So? What did you need to tell me." Felix scanned the room and looked back at him. "Well, I came to tell you that I practiced the coda last night and I...finished." Chan looked uninterested. "I thought you should know."

"Ok Felix listen, I honestly don't care about your technique. You should know that by now." He said. "Yeah but yesterday-" He got cut off by Chan. "No. Anyway, I've already chosen Min-yeong so-" Chan got off the table and walked to the door and opened it "sorry." Felix felt the color from his face disappear. "Oh ok, thank you." He said quietly. The omega walked to the door only for it to be shut in his face. He looked up and saw Chans veiny hand against it. Felix turned around to face Chan surprised. "That's it? You're not gonna try and change my mind?" He starred at Felix. "You must've thought it was possible, otherwise what are you doing here all dolled up?" That didn't make sense to Felix. He was wearing his usual leotard with legwarmers and a shrug.

"I came to ask for the part." He spoke. The teacher chuckled and sat in a leather chair. "Well, the truth is...when I look at you, all I see is the white swan. Yes you're beautiful, fearful, fragile. Ideal cast." Chan clasped his hands together. "But the black swan? It's a hard fucking job to dance both." Felix's eyes became blurry from the tears threatening to fall out. "I can dance the black swan too." He responded softly. "Really?" Chan looked unconvinced. "In these two months of teaching you I see you obsess getting each and every move perfectly right but I never see you lose yourself. Ever." He looked away from Chan staring at the floor. "All the discipline for what?" He asked sternly. Felix shrugged and shook his head. "I just want to be perfect." He croaked out. "You what?" Chan acted like he didn't hear him. "I want to be perfect." The omega frowned.

Chan snickered. He shook his head and said "Perfection is not just about control. It's also about letting go." He got up from the chair and walked towards Felix. "I do think i have it in-" He was cut off by Chans lips smashing onto his. He gripped his chin harshly making his face turn and grabbed the back off his neck. The kiss was messy as teeth clattered against each other. He felt Chans tongue enter his mouth.

It was amazing feeling Chan in his mouth, swirling his pink muscle with the omegas. But this shouldn't happen. Felix bit Chans lip and pushed him away. "Argh!" He older man yelled. Felix backed away from him frantically looking around the room. He felt like throwing up. "You bit me?" Chan said rubbing his aching lip. "I can--I can't believe you bit me." The alpha chuckled. For some reason he found it amusing. "I'm sorry." Felix muttered and ran out the room. "Now that fucking hurt." Chan said.

He walked away from the room and went to the waiting room where everyone was at. They were all with their friends huddled in their little groups as Felix sat alone.

The door opened to show a lady. "Guys it's been posted!" Everyone got excited except Felix. He sat there as people got up. Then he saw Min-yeong. Felix got up and decided to talk to her. "Min-yeong, " He said. She looked at him weirdly. "Congratulations, you win." He whispered and sadly smiled at her.

She smiled back at him and left. A few minutes later he hear the door slam. "Is this some kind of sick joke?!" She yelled at him. "I- what are you talking about?" He asked. She glared at the boy. "Fuck you." Min-yeong spat at him and picked up her stuff. Felix ran down the hall to see a bunch of people standing around a wall. He walked closer and saw the paper. "Congratulations Felix!" They said to him. He looked at the paper and saw his name under swan queen. His heart stopped and was stuck in shock. Everyone hugged and congratulated him.

He ran back to the waiting room and grabbed his phone. He ran to the nearest bathroom and locked himself in the last stall. He took out his phone to call his mother. "Come on, come on," while it rung. Suddenly he heard her answer. "Hey Felix, is everything alright?" Tears fell from his face. "Yes mother I-" his breath got stuck in his throat. "Felix, what's wrong?" She asked. "I got the part." He said. "He picked me mommy."

His mother gasped so loud. "For swan lake?" Felix nodded. "I'm gonna be the new swan queen." He cried. "I called to let you know I'll be home soon." Felix rubbed his checks. "Ok get back safe baby, bye." His mother said. "Bye." The boy didn't have to worry about auditions anymore. At that moment he was happy and nothing could ruin it for him.

He opened the stall and froze. Written on the mirror was whore in red lipstick. Those happy tears turned into scared and sad tears. He cried as he tried to wipe it off the mirror.


I keep my promises. <3

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