Chapter 6. Homework

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After Felix arrived home, he was surprised with a large strawberry cake. It was decorated with pink and white icing. She grabbed a knife and cut a big piece for him. "Woah mother, that's way too big." She rolled her eyes. "This is to celebrate you becoming swan queen!" She exclaimed.

"Mother my stomach is still in knots." Her smile slowly dropped. "Fine," She nodded. "Fine, then it's garbage. " Her hands grabbed the bottom of the cake and walked to the trash can. Felix gasped and tried to stop her. "Wait- no mother stop I'm sorry- look." He put his finger in the icing and licked it. "Mmm see? Its so delicious. " She sighed and smiled. "Ok, let's eat it."


The next day Felix was going to practice and meet the prince.

"Hello, I'm Minho." He said. "Oh hello, I'm Felix." He offered Minho a grin. They practiced and talked about the dance until Chan and the choreographer came into the room. Minho and Felix stopped and looked at them. "Please continue. We're here to watch." Not a second later the pianist played. The omega and alpha moved their feet following each other. Felix twirled past Minho as he tried to grab him. "More graceful." Chan said.

He grabbed Felix's waist and spun him. As the tempo increased so did they. It was perfect, the way they danced across the floor.

"Thank you, it was very nice. But I knew the white swan wouldn't be a problem. The real work will be your metamorphosis into her evil twin." Felix nodded and took a deep breath. "And I know I saw a flash of her yesterday." He blushed remembering the incident that happened the day before. "So, get ready to give me more of that bite." He said leaving the room.

"A bite of what?" Minho laughed. Felix rolled his eyes. "I don't know."


"Up, then bring your arms down to the middle," Felix copied the teaches movements. "Yes like that, and then glide your hand across his arm." They practiced more of the choreography as time went by.

When break came Felix went to fill up his water bottle until he heard a piano. It was the same melody he was practicing with Minho. He walked over to the room and peaked. It was Min-yeong, she was dancing the same part he was. He watched the way she moved, how effortless and freely she danced.

"Watch the way she moves." Chan spoke. Felix jumped and turned around. "Imprecise, but...effortless." That's exactly what Felix thought. "She's not faking it." The older man said and walked away.


"Welcome to the principals room, you will be sharing with Min-yeong now so be considerate." Felix put his bag on the sofa. "And these are from Mr. Bang." Her hand showed red roses in a glass vase. He gasped. "They're beautiful." The omega bent down to smell them. They had a sweet, musky, honey smell and Felix could feel himself falling for Chan more. Even though Chan has been strict and hard on Felix lately, he couldn't help himself but adore him.


The dance school hosted a party for everyone who auditioned. The rich and directors were all invited. He came with Chan wearing a silky puffy dress and a silver necklace while Chan wore a black tuxedo.

He pulled Felix through the crowd trying to grab their drinks. "Let's go." They walked to the stairs and stood in the middle of it. "Ready to be thrown to the wolves?" He joked. Felix didn't think it was that funny so he just nodded. "We need their cash so, please, don't forget to smile." He passed a drink to Felix.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I please have your attention." The room hushed.

"Let me make this very important announcement. You all have had the chance and privilege to be enchanted, transported, and even sometimes devastated by the performances of the true artists of our company." He paused. "We now welcome a new artist as we open our season with a new version of swan lake. Taking the role of our new swan queen, Lee Felix." Claps erupted from the hands of the audience.

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