Chapter 3. It's just a little crush

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Felix finished his smoothie and put the cup in the sink. He grabbed his bag from the couch and went upstairs. He walked into his room and threw his bag on the bed falling onto it too. 'Why do I feel like this?' He thought. 'What's so special about this man?'. He stared at the ceiling letting confusion rule his mind.

Felix figured that this was just a little crush and that he would get over it in no time. He got up and grabbed a pair of gray sweat pants along with gray hoodie. He walked to the restroom and turned on the water. A bath with bubbles would be nice. The omega stripped out of the leotard and tights folding and placing them on the counter. As soon as the bathtub filled up, he pour his favorite vanilla scented soap and mixed it around creating bubbles.

He dipped one foot in and the other next. He sighed, feeling relaxed and went over his day. Although the beginning of his day was a little upsetting, going to dance class and being with his friend was nice. He grabbed a washcloth and put some soap on it. He scrubbed his body roughly until it was red. The omega leaned back onto the white wall and closed his eyes, but quickly opened them when he saw his teacher.

"Argh!" He groaned in frustration. Thinking of his teacher made his stomach flutter and his cheeks hot, but he couldn't help but think of the elders arms. How strong and big they looked.

Felix jumped out of the tub and grabbed a towel. He dried himself, threw his clothes on and went to his room. He grabbed his laptop and decided it would be best if he could finish some homework he had for his other classes. He had some assignments from his Korean class that needed to be finished. Felix wasn't born in korea, but in Australia. He can speak and hold a conversation in Korean but he still needed help with some words.

After 5 assignments, it was already 3 o'clock. He closed his laptop and went to wash his leotard. Felix had about 10 of them but he didn't like when they were dirty with his sweat.

The rest of his day went by and it was now the evening. He knew his father was about to be home and dreaded it. "Mother what are you making for dinner tonight?" He asked. "I'm making Japchae for your father, he asked for it this morn-" suddenly she was cut off by the front door being slammed. Felix's father walks in and greets his mother. He keeps his eyes fixated on the food his mother was stirring and tried his best to ignore his father. "How was work dear?" She asked. The older man sighed and set his brief case down. "Tiring." He replied. She hummed and asked Felix to set the bows out.

They all settled around the table and grabbed some of everything else the lady made. They ate in a comfortable silence with the t.v. quietly playing in the background. Moments like this is what Felix missed. Eating dinner with his family was something that didn't happen a lot because of his fathers schedule. Felix was content and happy. When they finished eating, Felix and his mother cleaned up the table. "Goodnight mother." He said. She kissed his head and said "Goddnight baby."

Felix went up stairs and fell asleep with peaceful dreams God gave him. As to Chan, he couldn't stop thinking about the freckled-face omega that caught his eye that morning.


Felix's slumber was disrupted by his alarm clock and the banging on his door. He looked around his room confused then remembered it was Sunday. Which meant he had to go to church today. He quickly got out of bed and went to his closet to pick out his clothes.

He decided to wear a floral dress that stopped at his mid thigh along with a cropped light pink cardigan. This was his favorite dress because the ruffles made it look cuter on him. He put on some white socks with ruffles and white Mary Jane's.

Felix grabbed his brush and put his hair in a half up half down with two piggytails hairstyle and curled his bangs. After that he tied them with two light pink ribbons. He fled to the kitchen to see his mother and father eating breakfast. "Goodmorning mother, father." He said, grabbing a plate. "Godmorning Felix, how did you sleep?" She looked up at him. He shrugged and sat down to eat his breakfast which consisted of pancakes and strawberries. "I slept likewise, but my arm hurts a little." His father turned to Felix. "It's because of all that damn dancing isn't it." He said sternly. Felix glared at him and parted his lips to explain. "No infact it's not because of dance, it's because I slept on it." His father rolled his eyes. "Quit making excuses Felix, you should stop dancing, see, it's hurting your body." He said harshly pointing to the omegas arm. "What do you know about dancing?" Felix squinted his eyes and flapped his arms around.

The man slammed his fork down causing Felix and his mother to jump. "Don't talk to me like that young boy, you should be glad I'm still letting you dance. Remember who pays for your classes!" He yelled. Felix stayed silent hearing the pants coming out of his father mouth. Tears welled in his eyes. "I have to brush my teeth." He croaked out. He pushed himself out the chair and ran upstairs. Why couldn't his father understand that Felix loved dancing, and how passionate he was about it. Felix let his feet take him to the restroom. He looked in the mirror and could see his pink eyes, tear streaks, and red nose.

He grabbed his toothbrush and brushed his teeth following him putting on his daily makeup. He looked in the mirror happy with his appearance. Felix was pretty, he's always been pretty. From a young age, the omega received thousands of compliments left and right from both men, woman, and children. "Felix it's time to go!" His mother yelled from down stairs. He grabbed his phone and ran down stairs and walked out the door into the car. The ride from home to church was not that long luckily, Felix couldn't stand the awkward silence between him, his father, and mother. After a few minutes they made it to the building. His parents lead him to one of the pews and greeted everyone they knew.

Felix was looking around, not risking getting yelled at by his mother for being on his phone, until he saw someone he didn't recognize. They were in a black suit and black dress shoes with blonde hair. The man was holding a book Felix could only assume was a Bible. Felix didn't know any white people who went to his church so they must be a visitor. Until he looked closer and saw it was his dance teacher, Mr. Bang. 'Mr. Bang?! What is he doing here?' Felix tried to lean into the pew as far as his body would let him, trying to stay hidden. That was until he heard his father call him. He turned and saw Mr. Bang talking to his father. His face quickly went pale and he felt sick. Not wanting to embrarress himself he walked over to his father. "Come and meet Chan, he's new to the church." His father smiled at him. How could his father act so normal after everything that happened in the kitchen? "Uh, Hello Chan." He said. Chan smiled back at him. "Felix, fancy seeing you here, I didn't know you went to this church," He said. The omega awkwardly laughed and said "I didn't know you would be at this church."

"Well I-" his father stopped Chan from speaking and looked at both of them. "You two boys know each other?" He asked. Felix could feel his whole body on fire, burning around his hands, feet, cheeks, and back. "Oh uh- yeah he's one of my-" "Friends!" Felix exclaimed. Felix wanted to curse himself for being so loud. Chan looked at him weirdly and nodded slowly. "Yeah I- uh, we're friends." His father clasped his hands together. "Oh that's wonderful, now you won't be so lonely, Felix why don't you sit with Chan for today." The man grinned. "But I would rather-" then was cut off by his father. "No why don't you be with your friend today, how would you feel if Hyunjin didn't want to sit with you?"

"Me and your mother will be sitting over there." He pointed to one of the front seats his mother was sitting at and walked over there. Felix watched as his father walked to his mother and turned to Chan. "I'm sorry for that, my father would freak if he knew you were my dance teacher." He furrowed his eyebrows looking down at his at his Mary Jane's in embarrassment. "Oh don't worry about it ha," Chan scratched the back of his neck. "I should really say thank you, you know. I wouldn't want your father disliking me." Felix eyes meet with Chans dusky brown eyes.

"Haha," Felix giggled. "It's nothing." He blushed feeling Chans strong gaze on him. Who knew Chan was this handsome close up. Chan smiled at Felix and grabbed his hand. "Let's go look for a seat." He looked down to see his small hand in Chans larger hand. The sight made the omega feel giddy inside. I can't believe he's holding my hand! They decided to sit fourth to last pew in the middle. Chan released Felix's hand when they were settle only to stand back up again when the choir started to sing. This is going to be a long service...

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