Chapter 1. A new teacher?

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Felix arose from his bed at 8:30. He set his up alarm clock last night remembering he had dance class at 10. Felix decided it would be best to take a bath since he didn't last night after a birthday party he went to for one of his cousins.

Felix turned the shower on waiting a few minutes before going in. He grabbed his vanilla scented soap and srubbed himself. The omega knew it was never good to let your scent out in the open so he washed himself in something that smelled similarly close to his natural scent.

After a few minutes he got out and dried himself in a soft towel. He decided to put in his light pink leotard and white tights somewhat matching his milky skin. Throwing a white hoodie over his uniform, then brushing his blonde bob cut. Felix put on a light layer of foundation and put some blush and pink lip tint on. After that he walked downstairs to eat breakfast.

He then got into the kitchen, seeing his father sitting in a chair eating his eggs and bacon. Felix never really liked his father. He knew he was a busy man and had a lot of work, but he felt as if his fathers work was far more important than him, his own son. That soon caused discord between him and his father.

"Felix, sweetie, are you hungry?" His mother asked. His mother was also an omega just like him. She was kind, warm, and beautiful. He sometimes would wonder how a woman like her could fall for someone like his father. "Mhm" he hummed slipping in between a chair and the table.

"Mother, don't forget I have dance class today". She glanced at him and looked back at the food she was still making. "I knew you had dance class as soon as I saw your tights" she exclaimed then giggled. Felix softly smiled looking down at his feet. His mother passed his plate to him and he chomped away.

"So Felix," the man said. "Have you found yourself a boyfriend yet?" Felix stopped chewing his food for a second then went back to chewing. "No father, why do you ask?" Felix looked at him in confusion. His father never asked or talked about things like this with him. "Well I'm just asking because this dancing stuff is going to take you nowhere in life, you'll need to find an alpha to provide for you soon son."

The silence in the room was so loud he could hear his own heart beat. He looked away from his father and back at his food. "I don't want someone to provide for me for the rest of my life father, I want to dance," The omega looked back at the grayish-raven haired man. "Why don't you understand." He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at his mother. "Mother let's go, I don't want to be late" They both got up from the table and Felix went to grab his bag, shoes, and phone.

They walked to the car and his mother started it. "Why didn't you say anything." He said. The lady turned her head. "I didn't feel like fighting with him." She replied. Felix felt his anger rise just by what she said. He knew she was right that it was better to let the old man say whatever he wanted but sometimes the things he says to Felix hurt and made him feel like a dumb, breeding machine, no-life dancer who will never find a husband.

Intruding his thoughts, his phone buzzed. He picked it up to see that his friends, Hyunjin, texted him asking if he was going to class today. He texted him back saying 'yes, I always do. Why are you asking'. A few seconds later his phone went off again. "Who are you texting?" His mother asked. "Just hyunjin." He said. Looking at the text his friend sent him. 'I heard that Ms. Park retired and we're getting a new teacher today' Hyunjin texted him. 'A new teacher huh' Felix thought. He texted Hyunjin back saying 'Oh wow I can't wait to meet them." It didn't surprise Felix that his dance teacher retired. She was old and had children to take care of her.

They soon got to the building and Felix grabbed his stuff. After saying bye to his mother, he walked into the building. He checked in and went into the dance room. Seeing Hyunjin stretching, the omega walked over to him. "Hey Lix." The beta greeted him. Felix offered a warm smile to him. "Hey Hyunin, is it true we're getting a new teacher?" He asked. Hyunin nodded his head. "I asked the office and they said she did retire, our new teacher is a man and an alpha." Hyunjin smirked and lightly hit Felix with his elbow. "Hyunjin stop act like that," Felix said, looking for his leg warmers in his black bag. "This is our teacher we're talking about." He giggled

"Yeah, our new teacher Lix." Hyunjin said. Felix shook his head tying his point shoes on. "You scare me sometimes Hyunjin." Felix replied. "Come on we gotta finish stretching!" Hyunjin pulled Felix up from the floor. "Ok ok I'm up." He laughed. Somewhere in the back of Felix's head he was excited to meet the new teacher, but also hoping he was nice. Maybe even handsome, hot, and muscul- Felix thoughts quickly  snapped when the door opened showing a blonde, muscular man with sharp eyes and eyebrows. His aura felt scary and strong as he walked in the room with perfect posture. He was wearing a white shirt, sleeves gripping around his biceps, and black legging.

'Oh God he's hot!"

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