Chapter 7. Take me home with you

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Felix and Minho worked over their dance with the teacher the next day. They were both sweaty, tired, and out of breath. Felix could bet a thousand dollars that his feet were red and his toes were purple. "No Felix, it's two spins on one two then he grabs you on three four." The lady sighed. "Let's try again." Felix nodded and moved stray strands of hair behind his ear.

She turned to the mirrors and clapped. "Five six seven eight!"


They were breathing heavily, chests going up and down rapidly. "Okay, drink some water boys, we'll start in five." Felix felt like coughing from his dry throat. He gulped down his cold water from his clear bottle. Suddenly his dry mouth became moist again, so happy it didn't feel like a desert. Water dripped from the side of his lip down to his neck. Using the back of his hand to wipe it, he felt eyes on him.

"What?" Felix turned to Minho. He chuckled and looked away from Felix back at the mirrors. "You're really pretty, like really pretty, you know?" He said. Felix agrees with Minho. He grew up with compliments and the attention it brought him. He liked, no, he loved knowing he could make any man or lady do whatever he wants. He wasn't egoistic, or stuck-up, or snobby. He knows he's pretty and won't deny it. Maybe some day he'll use it as an advantage. "Yeah, I know." Felix smirked.

Minho laughed at his response. He didn't picture Felix to be so confident with his answer. "You don't lie, that's nice." He smiled at him. Felix swallowed the water in his mouth. "There's no point, anyone with eyes can tell." Then he froze. The sudden thought came to his head. "You're not trying to get with me, are you?" He squinted. Minho crossed his arms and tilted his head. "Not unless you want to."

Felix rolled his eyes and drank more of his water. "No thanks, I already have my eyes on someone else." He giggles. Minho raised his eyebrow and layed his head on his hand. "Who is it?" The blonde crossed his legs, sitting up and placed his water bottle in between them.

"Mr. Bang." Felix mumbled. Minho shrieked loudly and covered his mouth. "Mr. Bang? As in our teacher? What is wrong with you?!" He aggressively whispered. Felix flicked his forehead causing the alpha to groan in pain. "He's sometimes nice to me, and he's hot too!" He whispered loudly. Minho rolled his eyes. "He's sometimes nice to everyone Feli-" The door swung open and revealed Chan and the choreographer. Felix mentally groaned.

Felix and Minho both stood up and bowed at him. "Have you boys made any progress on the dance?" Chan smiled. They looked at each other and nodded. "Okay, let me see it."


"Again!" Chan yelled. Again again again is that all he's going to say? This is the thirteenth time he said that!Felix's feet and toes were hurting. His arms were burning and his legs ached. Minho sighed and took position. "I'm so tired," He told Minho quietly. "Me too."


"Ok, we're done here. You can be dismissed." He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. Felix ran towards his bag and swung it over his shoulder smiling. "Except Felix, you stay." His smile dropped. "W-what, why?" He asked. Minho turned to him and gave him a pity look. "Good luck." He muttered and walked out the door. Felix wanted to go home so badly and mend his toes, soak his body in warm water, and sleep.

"What's wrong with you, come here." Chan motioned him to walk over. "Why do you move you're legs like that? It's not supposed to be stiff." He said frowning. He grabbed Felix by the waist and pulled him in front of the mirrors. "Do it. Do the third eight counts. I'll be the prince. And remeber, you're Odile, Felix. Be relaxed with your movements." His face blushed up. "Ok," He exhaled.

Felix felt nervous. He was so close to Chan. Their bodies almost touched each other.


It's been thirty minutes of hell for Felix. He wanted to be done with this mess Chan brought him into. Now all of his body hurt.

He chasséd to his right and Chan followed along. He folded his arms in front of him as Chan leaned over to him, holding his waist. Felix did a pirouette and raised his arms along with Chans. He leaned his back against Chans chest and layed his head on his right shoulder. The alpha looked right into his mocha eyes and froze.

They both stopped and stared at each other. Chan looked down at Felix's plumped pink shiny lips. The blonde parted his lips slightly. Chan leaned down at Felix and tilted his head. The omega held his breath and felt his heart flutter. He always dreamed about a romantic kiss from an alpha. He dreamed about big arms around his hips and waist, hugging him from the back and front. Feeling secure and safe in them. As if nothing bad could ever touch him.

Felix's eyes stayed close as Chans lips touched his. Those pink warm lips connected with the alphas and moved slowly. Chan could taste the cherry chapstick he wore that tinted his lips. He tilted his head to kiss him from a better angle. The angle was a bit uncomfortable and awkward which frustrated Chan. His big veiny hands grabbed Felix's hips and spun him around to face him. He then smashed his lips back onto the omegas adding more force, making the kiss more passionate. Felix deepened the kiss by grasping the back of Chans head pulling and tugging his hair while moaning. He loved the way Felix's lips were so soft, addictive almost. One of Chans hand slid up Felix's thin leg then cupped his perky ass making him gasp.

As soon as the blondes mouth opened, Chans tongue flew into the boys mouth. Their pink tongues danced around each other, wanting dominance, chests pressed against one another. The warmth of their mouths made the kiss hotter. Felix felt dizzy and excited. His lower body tingled with pleasure as Chan grinded his hips against Felix's, fingers still messaging the youngers ass. Felix moaned into the kiss wanting more. But Chan pulled away to look at Felix. His lips were swollen and red, cheeks pink with freckles scattered, and eyelids were barely opened. He looked like an angel to Chan. A fuckable one.

"Fuck baby, don't look at me like that." He breathed out. "C-chan," Felix said. His fingers gripped Chans shirt. He felt his leotard and tights were damp with slick and pre cum. The room reeked of vanilla and coffee. Pheromones going crazy as they rutted against one another. "Chan- ahh! slow down!" He didn't mean it ofcourse, but the pleasure was overwhelming. "I would fuck you right now but I don't have a condom." He whispered in Felix's ear. His warm breath tickled his ear.

"Chan, take me to your place, and fuck me there. You must have condoms there right?" He asked desperately. Chan face reddened. He'd never expected Felix to ask something like that so bluntly. "Y-yeah I do." How could Felix make Chan shy.

"Well take me there now!" He whined. Chan grabbed his hand walking out the building. Felix didn't care if you could smell him a mile away. He was going to lose his virginity to Chan. It didn't matter if he was saving it for marriage and his future husband. If Felix was to ever have a future husband, it would be Chan. He desired Chan at that moment, and Chan desired him.


I'll post next week 😗✌️
Peace out

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