You're So Precious (Little Taehyun)

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-Not Proofread-
Sequel to the previous chapter.

Littles: Taehyun (Age: 1), Yeonjun (Age: Baby)

Caregivers: TXT

3rd Person POV

When Soobin woke up, Beomgyu was halfway on top of him and Yeonjun had his hand on his face.

He quietly moved them off of him and sat up. He noticed Kai was still sleeping, but Taehyun wasn't there.

"Maybe he got up earlier." He thought.

He checked the first floor and didn't see him. He went up the stairs and to the room Taehyun shared with Kai. He knocked a few times and when he didn't hear an answer, he was about to walk away.

As he was deciding to let him sleep, he heard a noise.

"Is that crying?", Soobin wondered.

He pressed an ear to the door and surely enough, he heard soft crying.

"Taehyun I'm coming in!"

He opened the door and was greeted with Taehyun sitting up in his bed, crying as he looked at the door.

"Hey what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Soobin sat down next to him and gently patted his back. To his surprise, the usually no-touching member wrapped his arms around him. He put his head in Soobin's neck and kept whining.

"Whenever you want to talk, I'm here for you. Whatever makes you sad, I can try to help."




Soobin looked down to see a pair of giant eyes staring at him. He hugged the boy back and was surprised when he got a kiss on the cheek.

He was looking around the room and noticed an open box on the bed next to Taehyun. He could see pacifiers, mini figurines, and an assortment of other toys for kids. That's when he noticed the outfit the boy was wearing. It was a light blue oversized shirt and some soft black shorts.

Soobin naturally put two and two together.

"Oh baby did I wake you up? Are you cranky?"

Taehyun sat up and wiped his eyes.

Soobin had to contain his excitement. There was another little in the house! And he was super clingy compared to Yeonjun.

Soobin happily picked up the boy on his back. He quietly took him downstairs and to the kitchen.

"I'm sorry for waking you up baby. How about we make breakfast?"

Taehyun excitedly nodded with the pacifier in his mouth that he picked up before they left the room.

Soobin began to make some waffles and would ask Taehyun on occasion to hand him ingredients. Taehyun helped make the bacon and eggs that followed, and almost dropped his pacifier in the pan on several occasions.

After about twenty minutes of making breakfast with their new little, Soobin went to the living room to wake up the others.

"Alright Tomorrow by Together, wake up! It's breakfast time!"

Beomgyu opened one eye and looked around.

"I smell bacon."

"Of course you do. Little Taehyun and I made waffles, bacon, and eggs."

Kai hopped up and scared Yeonjun, who was still in his headspace.

"Sorry cutie. Soobin hyung, did you just say little...Taehyun?"

Beomgyu and Kai beamed with excitement when said person quickly waddled into the living room.

Taehyun grabbed Soobin's hand and tried to pull him back towards the dining room.

"The baby is hungry. Let us eat!"

The two younger members got up and picked up little Yeonjun, who was still slightly confused.

They moved to the table, with Yeonjun in Kai's lap and Taehyun sitting in between Beomgyu and Soobin on the other side of the table.

"Wow. Two littles! I can't believe it!", Beomgyu said.

"My parental duties have doubled. I never imagines two kids before i get married.", Kai replied.

"I mean I can help with that."

Kai and Beomgyu looked at Soobin, who had just made that comment.

"No? Okay."

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