Gyu's Guides (Little Beomgyu)

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Hey! Sorry for the extended absence. I'm visiting family, and they don't have wifi. Updated will be few until I get back home.
In good news, I just turned 19! Yay!

Little: Beomgyu

Caregiver: Yeonjun

Yeonjun POV

Every day we stray further from salvation.

In this house I have learned two things. One, being the oldest is a full time job. Two, littles are a whole new monster.

Three weeks ago we started a group chat called "Gyu's Guides" with myself, Soobin, Taehyun, and Kai.

We made this to keep updates on little Beomgyu. Recently, he's been in a smaller headspace, and we've all had to pitch in to take care of him.

"...and then the police came by. They said something about 'potential drug smuggling'. Like honestly it was salt."

"Kai what the hell are you talking about. Where is Beomgyu?"

"Oh hi Yeonjun hyung, Beomgyu is in the burger pool. I sent photos to the group chat."

"Okay. And what was that about drugs?"


I walled away from Kai and Soobin's conversation. I went to the backyard to see Beomgyu and lifeguard Taehyun by the burger pool.

"Hey Yeonjun hyung! I'm watching the baby for you. He's so cute."

"Why is he covered in white?"

"I put like seven layers of sunscreen on him."


"It's like 417 degrees out here."

Beomgyu looked up at me.

"Baba! Baba!"

The cute boy jumped up and hopped out of the pool, waddling towards me.


He made grabby hands for me and I couldn't resist picking him up. He's the cutest baby ever.

"How are you angel?"

He patted his stomach while pointing towards his little pool.

My phone buzzed, gaining my attention.

It was the group chat, with a photo from Kai.

Gyu's Guides

PapaKai: Hey guys,
I ran like two streets over
to the convenience store.
Need something?

OldMan2: Why didn't
you wait for me?

PapaKai: Time waits
for no man.

OldMan1: Get the baby
a snack cake. He's hungry.

SecurityKang: Don't
get kidnapped.

OldMan2: Again.

PapaKai: That was one
time and he had ice

I removed myself from the chat and dried Beomgyu off with a towel while Taehyun emptied the pool.

The whole time, Beomgyu smiled at me and laughed when I brushed the towel over his face.

I picked him up to bring him inside. We went to change his clothes inside his room.

"Shorts or pants?"

He pointed to the shorts and I helped him put them on.

Pretty soon I heard a commotion and Kai came running up the steps.

"Hi hyung. I got a glazed honey bun and a Sprite. I also got a bag of frosted donuts and hot cheetos."

"Sounds good."

He handed Beomgyu one of the frosted donuts and he chomped it down with ease.

Soobin came up the steps with a box in his hand and entered the room.

"Guys my Amazon package came in."

"What did you order Binnie?"

"Matching pajamas for the whole group. And a new stuffie for Kai."

"Yay! You got it!"

"You said if I didn't, you would never speak to me again."

"That's beside the point."

Beomgyu waddled up to Soobin and raised his arms.

"Well hi baby."

Soobin picked him up and began to walk from the room.

"Let's go see where Papa Kai is hiding his skittles."

The Little, Little Guys (TXT Littlespace)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin