My Sleepy Baby (Little Yeonjun)

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Little: Yeonjun (Age: Baby)

Caregivers: TXT

Beomgyu POV

Practice just ended and I am TIRED.

We've been here for seven hours and all we did was go over the same choreo and try to match three different speeds of the song.

We were all exhausted but Yeonjun looked like he was seconds away from collapsing.

"Hyung? Are you okay?"


"Let's go home so you can get some rest.", Taehyun said.

Soobin grabbed his bag and Yeonjun's and held his arm as we left the practice hall. We hopped into the van together with our manager.

Yeonjun sat in the back with Kai, I sat in the middle with Taehyun, and Soobin sat in the front with the manager.

About five minutes into the ride I get a tap on my shoulder.


"Hey, I don't mean to alarm you, but I think Yeonjun may have slipped.", said Kai.

"Why do you say that?"

"Turn around and look."

I turned around to see him staring up at Kai while biting his hoodie sleeves. He yawned and made eye contact with me before starting to cry.

Kai put his arm around him and pet his head to try and calm him. It didn't work and Yeonjun started to cry louder.

This made Taehyun and Soobin turn around.

"Is he okay? Is he not feeling well?", Soobin asked.

"It looks like he slipped. Based on the way he's holding onto Kai's shirt for dear life.", Taehyun answered.

I confirmed for them that he was in his headspace and reached for my bag. I always carried extra little things for Yeonjun. Our manager did too, and came prepared today with a little cooler in the back under the seats.

"Does he prefer apple juice or grape juice?", manager-nim asked.

"He likes grape juice.", Soobin answered.

We had all attention on Yeonjun and Kai in the backseat and Kai reached into the little hidden cooler and pulled out a juice box.

"Do you want this?", he asked Yeonjun.

All he did was stare at him. He must be really young this time.

Kai opened the juice box and held it to him. Yeonjun happily began to drink from it and calmed down more as the ride went on.

Hueningkai POV

When we arrived home we thanked the manager and left the car.

I had to carry Yeonjun inside, to which he giggled when I picked him up.

We all quickly went inside and Soobin ran upstairs to get little things for Yeonjun. It was four in the afternoon, so he had time for a nap. I helped Beomgyu make a bottle for him in the kitchen while Taehyun turned on some cartoons.

"Has he ever slipped this young Kai?"

"Only once that I can remember. Do you remember when you got sick and we had to do that concert without you?"

"Oh yeah-"

"Well Yeonjun was so stressed and worried that he slipped right after the concert. I had to piggyback ride him up the stairs when we got back to the hotel."

We finished making the bottle and went back to the living room. Soobin was helping Yeonjun change clothes and Taehyun was entertaining.

"You see that Junie? What color is that?"

Yeonjun tried to answer, but was in too young a headspace. Instead he pointed to me.

"Good job Junie. That is brown! Just like Hyuka's hair!"

Soobin and Beomgyu were making a mat on the floor.

"Alright group nap time. Is that okay with you my sleepy little baby?", Soobin asked.

Yeonjun reached out for Soobin and wiggled his arms.

"I'll take that as a yes."

Soobin put him down on the mat and laid next to him. I was on the other side of Yeonjun, with Taehyun next to me, and Beomgyu next to Soobin.

I wrapped my arms around our baby until he fell asleep. Soobin had his leg over Yeonjun and I was going to ask him to move it until I realized he was asleep as well. Pretty soon I followed, being happily cuddled by my members.

Taehyun POV

After less than 30 minutes they were all asleep. I quietly got up and walked up the steps to my room.

From under my bed I pulled a little box. This was my secret, and no one could know.

After all, Yeonjun is our only little. At far as they are concerned.

The Little, Little Guys (TXT Littlespace)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin