Clingy (Little Kai)

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(Look at my cute doggo with her Lazer eyes up there.)

Little: Hueningkai

Caregiver: Soobin

Soobin POV

It was late, or early depending on how you look at it. I was in my shared room with Kai when I looked at the clock. It was 2 in the morning.

"Another late night." I thought to myself.

Kai was gently sleeping in his bed, cuddled amongst his many stuffed animals, or so I thought. When I tried to get out of my bed, I heard movement. I looked over to Kai and smiled. He was looking at me, his beautiful eyes sparkling in the moonlight.

"You can't sleep baby?", I asked.

He turned over on his stomach and tried to move to sit up. I could tell he had regressed more during the night by how he struggled to get up.

I went over to him, gently sitting him up against his headboard.

"How about we watch TV, something that will make us both tired?"

Kai smiled at me, his pacifier falling from his mouth.

"Cute. Let me get you a bottle and then we can both watch tv."

As I tried to get up, Kai made a whining noise. I looked back at him. He was pouting and making grabby hands for me.

"Okay okay. You can come with."

I picked him up from the bed, carrying him downstairs. I made my way to the kitchen quietly, and turned on the light. I sat Kai on the counter, and not the kitchen island, like that time Yeonjun thought babies would sit up by themselves.

I began to fix his bottle, first putting some milk in a cup and placing it in the microwave. Then, I fixed myself a cup of water, drinking it while standing by Kai.

When the microwave beeped, I took the cup out and poured the warm milk into his bottle. Picking Kai up again, I walked back upstairs, still trying to be as quiet as possible to avoid waking others.

When we got into the room, I placed him in his bed, sitting next to him. I grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. We found a compilation of Pingu cartoons.

"Okay, let's see how long it takes us to fall asleep."

Kai laid against me as I fed him his bottle. He had one hand on my shirt, tightly holding me.

As soon as the bottle was finished, he was falling asleep. I turned off the TV and wrapped my arms around him. I smiled to myself as he fell asleep, still clutching my shirt in his hand.

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