Happy Birthday Cutie Pie (Little Kai)

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Little: Kai (Age: 3)

Caregiver: Yeonjun

Yeonjun POV

I was running around the house like I was late for work.

Today was our baby's birthday!

We had an all day event planned for Kai. We would start with his favorite breakfast, then play outside. After that, we would watch his favorite shows, and then in the afternoon, have a PARTY!

I knew Kai was in littlespace as soon as he came downstairs in his overalls.

"Good morning angel!"


He ran up and hugged me. His beautiful smile flashing like a blinding light. He was holding a stuffed animal and had a birthday hat on.

"Did you get dressed all by yourself this morning?"

"Yeah! And BinBin, and Gyu pick out hat!"

I was about to pinch his cheeks but had to stop myself. I led him to the kitchen, where Taehyun was doing his absolute best at whipped cream decorations on the pancakes.

"Good morning baby Kai! Hi Yeonjun hyung! I made pancakes."

I sat Kai at his table, and put a bib on him. Whenever he is in littlespace, he makes a huge mess with food.

Everyone came downstairs to the table.

Taehyun was assisted by Beomgyu in placing the food. Soobin got the utensils while I had to basically pry Kai's stuffed animal from his hands.

When we all sat down, Soobin made an announcement.

"As we all know, today is the birthday of our baby. Yeonjun worked very hard in planning this entire day for him to enjoy. So let us sing the birthday song and GET THIS PARTY STARTED!"

(Omniscient POV)

The group sang the birthday song to Kai, who was smiling and clapping the entire time.

They took pictures of their breakfast and even a couple photos of the stuffie, since he's here too.

After breakfast, they all went into the backyard, where a bunch of Little Kai's favorite toys were.

"Can I play?", Kai asked.

Yeonjun gave him a pat on the head, "Of course prince. Happy Birthday."

With that, Kai ran off into the backyard and began what he would come to say was the best birthday he ever had.

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