Josh- Just so we're clear, I would've kissed you in there if Bryce hadn't walked in.

I smile.

Vanessa- So about that date...

Josh- Please don't tell me you're already canceling.

I laugh.

Vanessa- No I just wanted to know when and where.

Josh- Well I was thinking tomorrow night and the where is going to be a surprise. Mostly because I don't know what we're doing yet.

I smile, leaning in for him to kiss me. Right before our lips touch, he speaks.

Josh- I think I wanna wait. To kiss you, I mean.

I pull away from him.

Vanessa- Are you trying to torture me?

Josh smiles. Those dimples were heavenly.

Josh- So can I get your number now?

Josh says, holding out his phone. I nod, grabbing his phone and putting my number in it.

Josh- Thanks. I'll text you.

Josh walks back into Bryce's room and I walk back into mine. I walk into my room too. It was around 9 pm so it wasn't too late but it was kind of a long day. I decided I was going to go for a night swim.
We had a decent-sized pool in our backyard and Bryce and me often when swimming together at night. I assumed Josh was sleeping over so I didn't want to ask Bryce. He'd probably say no anyway, he always does when he has people over.
I scrolled on TikTok for about 30 minutes before getting my swimsuit on and going downstairs. I tried to be quiet since I knew my mom was probably asleep and maybe Bryce and Josh were. Once I get to the pool, I just do a couple of laps but I was interrupted but my phone ringing. I swim to the side of the pool where my phone was and I saw that Gia was FaceTiming me. I answer, of course.

Vanessa- Hey Gia.

Gia- Hey V. Can I come over? I'm not having the best night and Coopers with his friends and I just really don't want to bother him so can I please come over?

I felt horrible for my best friend. I could tell she wasn't doing great.

Vanessa- Of course, Gia. Do you need me to pick you up?

Gia- No I can drive, I'll take my mom's car.

I nod.

Vanessa- Okay. Bring a swimsuit, we're swimming. Love you.

Gia- Okay, love you too.

Gia hangs up and my music resumes playing. I do a single lap around the pool and when I look up, I saw Bryce. He scared me, so I put my hand on my chest.

Vanessa- You scared me.

I chuckle, swimming over to where he was sitting, his feet in the water.

Bryce- It feels so surreal Ness and it hasn't even happened.

Vanessa- LA?

Bryce nods. I was happy he was excited and happy about this but I'd miss him like hell and if me and Josh last, I'd miss him too.

Vanessa- I'm so happy for you Bryce but I'm going to miss you like hell.

Bryce makes eye contact with me.

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