Castiel x Reader- Sleep well

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You'd suffered from nightmares from a very early age, well aware that the things most people considered fake may actually be hiding under your bed.

Ghosts, demons, monsters of all shapes and sizes? You knew they were real- had been told by your family that they were, you'd even seen them regularly while growing up.

And you had also been taught that you would one day help rid the world of them.

The family business and all that jazz.

You'd grown up on the road with your parents, learning that practicality was key and anything you didn't need- you really didn't need.

Teddy bears, dolls and toys of all kinds? A waste of money- you could be learning about vampires and other such things instead.

You didn't need something to sleep with, a gun under your pillow would do much more good than a stuffed toy.

But a gun didn't make the nightmares go away.

A gun didn't offer you as much comfort as it did your parents.

So you learned to live with the dreams, you learned to deal with your tears and terrors quickly. With each year that passed, with each number added to your age- you grew.

You matured.

You learned to live like a hunter.

School? Your mother scoffed at the idea and taught you herself, finding the thought of staying in one area appalling.

Friends? You didn't need them. Contacts were just as good, saved your life even.

But deep didn't like it.

You longed for more.

A friend.

A comfort.

Something to help you rid yourself of the nightmares, anything at all.

As strong as you were, it was something you'd never been able to put behind you, no matter how hard you tried.

More time passed and your parents eventually fell to the same fate the majority of hunters did. It was inevitable, and you were well aware that it would be you in their place one day.

Just another fact of life.

But then, as you went out on your own- there was a change. An act of fate maybe? Destiny?

The Winchesters.

They were your age and working on some serious business when you met via Bobby, the older man having informed you of the seals while checking in on you after the apparent 'Rising of the witnesses'.

They'd obviously been through a lot, and you offered help whenever you could, assisting them as needed. It was how you were raised, it was in your blood to fight these sort of things.

Eventually after being around them for a few months, you felt your walls beginning to crack, to shatter with each joke or smile shot your way. You'd never experienced anything like it before, and they'd obviously been raised very different from you.

As bad as their dad may have seemed to them, you'd have killed for him to be your parent.

No matter how incompetent, at least he tried.

He loved them, and while your father loved you, he never went out of his way to show it like John apparently had.

You came to care for the brothers with each case you took on together, came to see them as the friends you so desperately needed.

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