Crowley x Reader- When I'm gone

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You'd always been close to the king of hell, as weird as that was for a hunter to say.

You felt...content with him near, happy almost for the first time in years.

He was a constant presence in your life of death and risks, Sam and Dean being the only other two who'd ever come close to giving you the same feeling. Sure, they died occasionally, but they always came back.

That's one thing you could always count on a Winchester for.

They always came back.

They never left you behind.

Like cockroaches, as Crowley was so fond of comparing.


He'd probably be a little sad, hell, maybe even shed a tear when he found out. Or at least, you hoped your time with him had affected him enough for even that. You considered him a friend, and given time you didn't have, you knew it could have been something more.

Something great...something wonderful and wrong yet so right it brought a smile to your blood-stained face.

Shakily lifting a hand to your chest and gripping the small pendant there, you let out a sigh and closed your eyes, silently apologizing for leaving the boys behind.

You'd been with them for years, always told them that you'd be there...that you'd never leave.

But some promises were made to be broken unfortunately, and as their faint voices met your ears, you swore you felt a familiar hand on your own, that fake accent lulling you into a content state. Your many pains seemed to fade, the ache your body had dealt with for years fading with it and all you could think of was him.

You cared for him, you really did.

And despite knowing it was probably a lie your mind made up, the feeling that he cared too kept that smile on your face as you let out a final breath.

Content and safe.

At last.

Lazily laying back in his chair, Crowley absentmindedly swirled his drink in his glass, the strong scent comforting his as he waited for the boys and you to get home from your hunt.

He'd usually skip out on the 'welcome back', but something had been bothering him, and it wasn't the extra time you'd all been taking to get home. No, he'd been so to say, for the past 5 days, unable to do much more than frown in confusion each time it crossed his mind.

Each time you crossed his mind. were different, strange.

Not like the hunters he was so used to dealing with.

You actually seemed to enjoy his company, and in return, he'd found himself enjoying your own. It was the small things that had endeared you to him, from the smiles or quietly shared drinks, to the conversations and sarcasm that seemed to follow you around.

Just...tiny little things really.

Nothing special, nothing grand or mind blowing.

But you were the only one to share them with him, and he appreciated that.

The way your hips swung when you walked was a definitely plus as well.

'Yes, definitely the old 'I hate to see her leave, but I love to watch her go'. And that laugh...'

He found your laugh stirring in a way he wasn't used to. It didn't turn him on, no, but it made him feel lighter somehow, and he wasn't too sure when to make of that. He was the king of hell, yet being near you actually made him feel the part, feel important and powerful.

It was odd.

You were odd, and he actually liked it.

Hearing the old car finally pull up outside, Crowley downed the rest of his drink and straightened, fixing his tie subtly as he stood.

Footsteps approached the door, and his usual smirk came to his face, sarcastic comment on the tip of his tongue as the door swung open.

Two bodies.

Two red stained sets of eyes.

Two stoic expressions that stared at him in silence.


No smile...

No sarcastic comeback just as ready to go as his own...

No swaying hips...

No you...


"She's gone."


"Dead. An angel got to her while we were...while we were looking for Cas."

The two brothers just watched him, watched as the seemingly black hearted demon swallowed and breathed out shakily.

"Alright then."

And he was gone, leaving them on their own. Leaving them to mourn in silence as they tried to think of a plan now that their world had fallen apart again.

They'd never know about how he'd hunted those angels down.

They'd never know about how he'd raged and destroyed his hideouts, silent tears on his cheeks as he took his anger out on anyone near him.

The grieving brothers would also never know how much you'd actually meant to him, how much your loss had swayed him to help them out.

And neither would you.

But your soul always felt a little warmer, a little happier when a certain demon made his way to your grave, the scent of flowers you'd never see drifting by your nose as you waited.

Waited for Sam and Dean.

For the friends you'd left behind.

For him.

Supernatural  X Reader (Smut)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon