Gabriel x Reader- What you do to me pt 1

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It'd been a long day for the archangel.

Long, tiring, and all he'd wanted to do in the beginning was sit at home, maybe go to town and cause a little mischief.

But no.

The Winchesters just had to call on him.

They just had to have her in the room when he arrived as well.

You, the unrequited love of his eternal life.

Dropping to a quickly conjured sofa with a click of him fingers, Gabriel sighed in frustration and leant forward, burying his face into his hands as he propped his elbows up on his legs.

He couldn't get your image from his mind- So haunting, so beautiful, so perfect.

You were everything he'd always dreamed of.

Everything about you drew him in and set his insides on fire. From the way you teased him to that cute little grin you got when you thought of something you always kept to yourself.

By his father he loved you- but he was too...he wasn't scared per say, he was just weary. He'd never felt anything like this before, this pull towards you that strengthened by the hour.

The first time he'd seen you while tormenting Sam, Gabriel had managed to simply brush it off. But as those never ending days continued, he found himself drawing closer and closer to you, almost ruining him little lesson entirely because of how you made him stutter.

He was an archangel, powerful and frightening, yet you made him stutter like a schoolboy!

You didn't remember that though. No, all you knew was what Sam had filled you and Dean in on after breaking the cycle.

He'd gone away after that but the pull had remained. Each day that passed by had his mind drifting to you and that smile he'd come to love, the back of his mind always wondering how you were and if you were okay.

And then...then he'd had enough.

He'd lured those damn Winchester's into his little game, desperate to just get this apocalypse over with- because maybe then he'd be able to relax.

And who would happen to show up with them but you? You, with your jeans and old shirt, your small amused smile making him shudder and freeze in place as he tried to keep focused on the two brothers.

He couldn't though.

He instead found himself slipping little by little- making your clothes a little more revealing or sexy with each scene change, using a little more charm than necessary when talking to you.

And oh did he love it.

The blush that came to your face, the slightly embarrassed expression you had, the fact that you actually liked the clothes he made for you.

You laughed when he did, you joked about the situation and tried to lighten the boys up a little- but in the end, he'd had to stop.

Because if he didn't...well, he wasn't sure how he'd managed to refrain from whisking you away that day, especially with how the younger Winchester looked at you in that dress.

The more he saw you the worse the pull got, the worse his reaction got. He'd find himself drawing closer than necessary with each taunting word he shot at the brothers, he found himself leaving lingering little touches on your arms...your sides...your face...

He couldn't help it anymore.

He...he needed to touch you in some way, he needed to feel your skin against his own, even just for a moment.

Supernatural  X Reader (Smut)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon