Samandriel x Reader- Confused angels are cute angels

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It was...

It was pure dumb luck that had saved his life that day. You'd only just managed to make it in time, only just managed to distract Castiel long enough for the severely wounded angel to escape.

The days after that passed in a blur, the Winchesters only calling on you every so often to hit up a case they didn't have time for. They were up to something big, or so they'd hinted, and you were more than happy to help them out this way.

You loved the boys, you really did, but people had a bad habit of dropping dead around them and you'd much rather live to see the next hunt. You'd help them if they needed it, there was no doubt about that, but if they didn't call you in personally, you weren't sticking your nose where it didn't belong.

Weeks seemed to crawl by, and the back of your mind always wondered what had happened to that angel. Samandriel or 'Alfie' a Dean persisted to call him, had only met you once before at the auction. He'd seemed so sweet then, so innocent compared to his hard assed siblings.

He was...cute.

You know, for a celestial being who'd most likely been around since the dawn of time.

And then, one night after a hunt gone slightly wrong, he was there. You'd just limped back into your motel room, doing your best to hide your injuries from anyone who spotted you, and the second you opened the door-

He was just...there.

Hat firmly back in place.

"Uh...Hello ___, how was your day?"

He'd even held his hand out to shake your own, looking so terribly pleased to have remembered.

You would have laughed if you ribs didn't hurt so much.

Yeah, you'd always had a soft spot for cute things, but the day you admitted it would be the day Lucifer walked the- Would be the day you went to hell.

"Sweetie, as much as I'd love to shake your hand right now, I can't. Think you can help me over to the bed?" He was next to you in a flash, not questioning you in the least as he wrapped your arm around his shoulders and helped you hobble over to the small, single bed. "Thanks a bunch, sweetie."

Why he hadn't teleported like he had to get over to you, you only found out later.

Samandriel took everything you said rather...literally.

Later, after awkwardly wrapping your ribs, you sat across from him, watching as he seemed to glow with pride. Who'd have known that angels love being praised for helping out with simple things? All he'd done was help you manoeuvre the bandage, but with the way he was acting, it's like he'd just helped save your life.

"So, sweetie, what can I help you with?"

"Why do you keep referring to me as 'sweetie'? My name is Sama-"

"-ndriel, yes, I know. It's just a bit of a mouthful to work into conversation."

"Dean Winchester always calls me 'Alfie', you're most welcome to as well if you find it easier..."

"I'd really rather not..." You smiled over at him softly and waved your hand, as if dismissing his questioning look. "Now, what are you doing here?"

He shifted for a moment, looking slightly sad as he eyed the stained carpeting under his feet.

" in need of your help."

You raided a brow in question and motioned for him to continue when he seemed to pause, as if looking for the right words.

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