Gabriel x Reader- What you do to me pt 2

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It'd been years since you'd last opted out of a hunt, but considering the circumstances, you thought it best to stay behind at the motel.

The boys were hunting a vamp nest, and well...

You and vampires didn't exactly mix well, not after that last lot you ran into on your own.

The boys assured you that it was fine, that every hunter had that monster. The one they couldn't face without freezing up and putting themselves in danger. Dean let slip that Sam's happened to be anything clown related and his own...hellhounds.

You were grateful that they understood, because if you'd been forced to go and accidentally messed up-

Well, it's better not to think about that.

Instead, you focused on the man tensely sitting next to you. Well, archangel would be a better term all things considered. He hadn't spoken more than three words to you since the boys called him in to help out. He'd agreed to watch over you without a second thought, as per usual, but today he'd been acting differently.


Usually he'd be talking and joking, complaining about how run down the room was, asking if you wanted to bust out and go someplace more fun. But not today, today he sat silently, seemingly lost in his own thoughts as you fidgeted next to him on the small sofa.

This wouldn't do, you didn't like it when he was like this. You loved the fun loving, flirtatious man you'd come to know much better. By god, if Sam or Dean ever heard you say or think that, you'd probably be out on the street again. Sure they got along with the angel turned trickster now, but some grudges would never fade you guessed.

He'd put them through a lot over the years and had only recently started to try and make up for it.

Back on track though, Gabriel was still acting strange.

Something was bothering him and you were determined to take his mind off it.

"So," You lazily started, leaning back against the seat and turning to look at him properly, your usual grin coming to your face as you did so. "Come here often?"

His lips twitched and his honeyed eyes flickered in your direction for a split second before looking away just as hastily.

"I can't say that I do, but if I'd known the company would be this great, I'd have made a point to show up sooner." You laughed at his words, relaxing slightly as you noticed him doing the same.

Something must really be bothering him...

"Did it hurt?"

"What?" Gabriel looked at you oddly for a moment, seemingly confused for a moment.

"When you fell from heaven~" Your grin grew as his face broke into a large smile, his disbelieving laughter filling the room around you, his eyes shining brightly as he batted his eyelashes at you playfully.

"___, you do realize that's the cheesiest thing anyone's every said to me, right?"

"Oh come on, don't be a stick in the mud Gabriel- You're supposed to be the fun angel!"

His smile grew and he turned slightly to face you, seeming to turn back to his usual self as his shoulders relaxed, his arm slowly raising to rest around your shoulders. You blushed lightly a he did so, shuffling over to lean against his side.

"I am the fun one ___, never forget that." His smirk sent a rush through your body, tingling sensations coming from your side as you leant more against him, his warmth seeping into your body.

Supernatural  X Reader (Smut)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz