Adam x Reader- From hell with love

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The boys had been a part of your life for many years, having saved you from multiple demon encounters while they were searching for their own yellow eyed pain in the ass. It was like clockwork. You'd innocently be going about your life, a demon would show up, and the so would they.

They'd saved you each time, only realizing it was the same person after the third one.

After careful research and a few 'interrogations' you weren't invited to see, it turns out that someone, or something, had put a hit on your bloodline.

Your father had apparently been a hunter and had made one too many enemies before his life was taken from him by ghouls.

Ghouls of all things...

You remembered that day well, but had been convinced at the time that it was just your mind altering the facts to help you cope.

People eating monsters hadn't really whisked you away, your mother told you, it's just the trauma.

But now, now you knew that they had, that you weren't just imagining them having snuck into your house and kidnapped you. Your father had saved you, gotten you out of there safe and sound, but not before being fatally injured in the process.

You'd loved your father, and things just weren't the same after he died.

Your mother coped well all things considered, especially with having to raise you alone. But by your tenth birthday, the deaths began.

Your grandparents, closely followed by their children, and then your cousins. By the time you were in your late teens, you were all alone.

But you remained strong, you listened to your fathers last words and you 'fought for a life worth living'.

Bad things may have happened in the past, but you would not let that ruin your life, it would be an insult to everything people had done for you. You may have bad days and it may have been hard, but you knew you could do it.

That was when the boys had stumbled into your life.

They'd just lost their father and were hurting, you could tell when they rescued you from the first demon.

You'd thanked them and let them go on with their lives, silently wishing them luck.

And then the next one attacked, and the boys just happened to be nearby to save you again.

There was suspicion on both sides, but after the fourth run in, the made sure to find out the cause. The 'contract' as they called it, had been to wipe out your fathers bloodline, and apparently the demons had been having a little too much fun doing it.

Sam and Dean had deemed it necessary to have you tag along with them, and after all the times they'd saved you, you trusted them.

Sure, bad things happened around them and people often died, but you actually felt alive for once.

You weren't just existing, you were living, just like you'd been told to.

A year rolled by and tragedy struck, Dean's soul having been bargained away. After a year of just tagging along with them, it was then that they decided to train you up. With all the shit that was happening, you appreciated it, you really did.

They became the family you'd craved for, the older brothers you wished you had growing up, and each day with them was a blessing to you. They taught you the basics- quizzed you on things you'd come to learn during your time with them, taught you how to shoot and handle a knife.

And then, while you were peacefully ignorant and sleeping, Dean went to hell.

You were angry, so angry for so long.

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