Adam x Reader- Another awkward silence

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It was entirely unintentional the first time it happened, your focus more on the hunt than on him.

It was a simple salt and burn, one Sam and Dean thought would be great practice for you and Adam. You'd been with them for a few year at this point, but you mainly stayed in the motels and researched, finding that hunting really wasn't your thing.

Putting yourself in imminent danger on a day to day basis? No thank you.

But after everything that had gone down with the angels and apocalypse, the two older men decided it best to train you up in case you ever needed to help them out or protect yourself. Adam, after being rescued from hell, had been just as reluctant to hunt as you had been, but knew it needed to be done.

During this particular salt and burn, things got a little...cramped you could say. Trapped between a shelf, Adam and the wall, you groaned against his shirt, your face pinned between his chest and the peeling wallpaper.

He'd frozen against you as his body crushed against your own, his arms on either side of you as he tried to push the shelf off.

It didn't work.

"Adam...I think I can squeeze out the side, can you move your arm?" You had questioned at the time, relieved when he just grunted and did so.

You moved slowly, rotating your hips and body, rubbing against him as you slowly but surely began to slide out.

His hands had fists against the wall, but you'd just assumed it was from his annoyance at the situation.

"Just a...just a little more- got it!" You slid free a second later, quickly surveying the area before helping him dislodge the large piece of furniture pinning the shelf in place.

He'd avoided looking at you for the rest of the hunt, and at the time, you'd just brushed it off.

The second time...well, it was as unintentional as the first.

A friendly sparring session to tune up your reflexes ended with you pinned to the floor underneath him, his legs parting and pinning your own to stop your struggles as he smiled down at you smugly.

Until you started squirming against him that is.

You squirmed, you pressed up against him, using your weight to try and throw him off as you bucked and thrashed.

It seemed entirely useless though, he was still pinning your wrists above your head triumphantly.

And then, he wasn't.

He was gone, standing across from you and his gaze so accusing that you had to wonder what was going on.

"Huh? What the hell Adam, I could have still won that, get back here!"

"Not now ___, I have something to do. Get Sam or- actually, don't. They said know, sticking with consistent training partners and all that. We need to learn each other's style."

"Then get away from that door and spar with me damn it!"

"Not. Now. ___."

You'd watched him slip out stiffly, his back ridged as he walked away, leaving your sight as quickly as he could.

Odd, Adam was usually much more laidback, especially with you.

...Well, only with you now that you thought about it, he still seemed to hold a grudge against his brothers.

And the third time...the third time was when you found out what was really going on.


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