Crowley x Reader- Wounded

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You'd gotten used to these dingy motels over the years. The smells, the stains, hell- even the noises from the rooms next to yours didn't bother you anymore. This was the life of a hunter and you were well aware of what it'd be like before you joined up with Sam and Dean all those years ago.

You loved those boys, they were the brothers you wished you had while growing up, the only family you could rely on anymore. They'd saved you on a hunt early on in their search for their father and while they left your life for a time, the supernatural did not.

Monster after monster came your way, and every town you came to after meeting the boys seemed to be infested with things out to kill you.

Maybe it'd always been like that, maybe your eyes had finally been opened to what really lurked around every corner.

It was a year or two later that you ran into the boys again, and like clockwork it seemed to keep happening until they decided to just let you tag along with them. Because if you kept running into things out to kill you, why not save some trouble and stick with the people who could kill monsters?

So here you are now, smack dab in the middle of something you'd never thought possible with those same two men.

And their suddenly ever present tag along, the demon king Crowley.

The same one they'd just dragged through the door.

"____, close the door and clear off a bed would you?" With another quick look at the bloody man they were holding up, you did just that, wincing slightly as they unceremoniously dropped the demon onto the bed.

"Geeze guys, what the hell did you do to him?"

"Hey now, we did nothing. The idiot just made a few too many smart assed comments during a hunt and the bitch in charge didn't like that." Dean's voice came as he made his way to the bathroom, cleaning himself up slightly as Sam gathered another bag and made for the door again.

"Keep an eye on him would you, ___? We have to go make sure we got them all, we'll be back later-possibly tomorrow if we find anyone."

You gave an okay and watched the taller man shoot you a quick smile, his older brother following behind and leaving you alone with a teasing wink.

Just another day in the life of a hunter.

With a sigh you slowly turned to look at the bloody body on the bed next to you, wincing slightly as you noted the beating he must have endured.

"Damn it Crowley, you're mouth really got you in trouble this time, didn't it?"

" could say that love, or you could...say that it got us exactly what we needed." His pained voice filled the room and you quickly gathered a wet cloth from the bathroom, frowning as his hooded eyes looked up into yours with a smirk.

"Just be quiet for a while and let me clean you up, you can brag about getting the information later Crowley." You shot him a glare as he opened his mouth to continue and were quite pleased to see him actually listen to you for once. Usually he'd do anything possible to get on your nerves, from rambling on about nothing to insulting you with that damned look of utter enjoyment, especially when you snapped and yelled at him for it.

King of hell or not, you'd never been scared to put him in his place.

Maybe that was why he sought you out so often?

Taking the cloth and moving to sit next to him on the bed, you gently cupped his face with one hand while wiping the dirt and blood off with the other. You could feel his eyes watching you, his full attention weighing heavily on your shoulders as you continued to clean his face.

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