Samandriel x Reader- feelings are confusing

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You'd been hunting with the angel for almost a year and a half now, and you could say without a doubt that he was the best partner you'd ever had. He listened to you, he didn't rush in like a moron, and he didn't insist on getting all macho and 'I can do it myself'.

You'd had a lot to teach him in the beginning, but luckily the Winchesters had covered most of the basics before handing him off. He was a quick learner, and he was practically fearless when it came to facing things down. The only issue you had was with how...well,he was an angel.

He was oblivious, innocent and sometimes couldn't grasp basic things when interacting with people. His naivety knew no bounds, and it got a little daunting when you had to be extra careful to make sure no one took advantage of him in any way.

Luckily for you, you were a similar age to his vessel 'Alfie', and it definitely helped when you needed to go undercover.

You'd lost track of the amount of times you'd posed as a couple, the angel actually blushing about holding hands with you in public of all things. You didn't have the heart to tell him what couples actually did, but you had an inkling that Dean had given him 'The Talk' last time you ran into them.

The poor angel hadn't been able to look at you without stuttering for days, his face as red as that old uniform you'd had to force him to ditch.

It was actually kind of cute.

He was an angel, hadn't he at least heard of sex before?

It was most likely the way Dean went about it. You remembered years ago when you were still hunting with your mother, the woman just had to enlist Dean to watch over you while she went about collecting information.

Worst night of your life, you'd never have enough brain bleach to get rid of some of the topics he talked about in idle conversation. Or all the porn magazines he'd flicked through without a second thought.

Hopefully poor Samandriel had been spared the play by play at least...

Anyway, the angel, Samandriel, was a great hunting partner.

Every hunt you'd been on with him had ended well, only a few slight bumps in the road here or there but that was to be expected. You travelled around on whim, stopped whenever you wanted, and made it a point to introduce the angel to everything earth had to offer.

Over all, life couldn't be better. could be just a little better.

You know, if the angel would actually start picking up on your cues.

You teased him about a lot of things, but his inability to pick up any hint you threw his way was never one of them.

You had a slight crush on the angel.

Okay, who were you trying to kid here?

It was way more than a crush, you were in love with the hopeless being.

From that first time he'd saved your life on a hunt, to the look of worry on his face when you drank just a little too much...everything about him just made you smile and light up in happiness. He was...he was just so kind, so lovable and sweet.

You recalled the time you'd ruined you shirt on a hunt and the way he'd reacted. Instead of trying to steal a look, he'd turned away and offered you his own, the material swallowing you slightly as you smiled at him afterwards, thanking him profusely.

Why he hadn't just gone and gotten you a new one went beyond you but you didn't mind.

It smelt like him, that faint lingering smell that seemed to hover around him whenever he was in a room with you. It wasn't bad, you just couldn't name it.

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