Adam x Reader- Thinking of you pt 1

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(AN: The ___ spaces are where your name goes since I'm not too fond of writing Y/N and feel it throws off the story. It may change in the future though.)

You were alone, finally alone.

There were no angel's popping into your room unannounced, no older hunters sending you to research things and no king of hell trying to get a rise out of you.

No, you finally had the bunker to yourself for the next three days at the very least!

Well, you almost had it to yourself. Adam, the youngest Winchester (Or Milligan as he preferred), had opted to remain behind while his brothers went out hunting.

But that was fine, you and Adam got along rather well.

You'd only met him a year or so before when he'd finally been rescued from hell, and he was a rather quiet man at the time. That was completely understandable though, especially considering what he'd been through. He could be snarky at times, especially with his older half-brothers, but he always got along well with you.

When he'd first been introduced to you, you'd both been a little awkward and unsure of what to do. You hadn't been around someone your own age in what felt like years, and he was still trying to process that he was free and not trapped in the cage.

It took a few weeks, but he began to loosen up a little and trust you, greeting you quietly whenever you passed each other in the halls. Those greetings slowly turned to small smiles, and after a while he even began to sit next to you whenever you both found yourselves alone.

It was...odd the first time he did it, since he seemed to avoid you like the plague any other time. He'd spent what felt like hours staring at you before moving over to the free space next to you, lowering his tensed form into the chair silently.

Eventually, he began to relax, and after another few weeks of silent company, he turned to you and smiled.

It wasn't the slightly forced one you'd gotten used to, no, this one was real. His lips quirked up at the sides and his eyes seemed to shine as he looked at you.

And all he uttered before fleeing the room quietly was a small "Thank you."

You were confused at first but eventually came to realize that he was thanking you for your company, thanking you for the fact that you didn't treat him like he was broken or odd.

No, you treated him like a human being and it seemed that he appreciated it more than you'd initially thought.

From then on he'd begun to greet you more warmly, that smile you liked showing more and more often as he sat next to you while you ate or read. It was...nice to have the company. You rather liked just sitting with someone who didn't ask you to research things every half hour.

The first time you'd initiated a conversation with him, you could tell he was shocked.

His light eyes had widened, his mouth had opened wordlessly for a few moments, and he'd just looked lost. And then...he'd laughed.

His laugh, though quiet and a little coarse from not speaking very often, had made you melt.

An hour and at least twenty different topics later, you watched as he smiled at you and left the room, his eyes lingering on you for just a little too long. You didn't notice that though, you were much too busy smiling to yourself and running his somehow lightened expression through your mind.

Conversations with him seemed to become natural after that. From quiet whispered words in the back of the Impala, to body shaking laughs and jokes in the bunker. It was amazing to watch the man come into his own again.

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