They really don't respect the delicacy of a woman.

Tsk! Bastards!

Anyway, going back to Han Jisung.

He referred to my mom as 'Mrs. Choi,' a thing that took me aback.

She is a 'Hwang' no matter if my father and she are not together. My uncle has always told her that no matter what his brother did to her and me, she will always be part of the family.

But, apparently, my mother introduces herself with her single last name.

I had no idea that she did that. Maybe she is still upset at all the Hwang members for turning her back on her when my dad left her.

At least with this, I can confirm it.

Putting the subject of my mother and Jisung aside, what I put more attention to was Jisung's background.

He is someone admirable. He is disciplined, hardworking, and focused on what he knows and does.

He has something extra as well. Jisung is someone sweet and has a big heart.

He may look different from the one I first met, but that thing within him hasn't changed.

Jisung studied the same major as me but some years apart. I didn't know he went to the same university Jinsu went to.

I know Jinsu had to go to her university after finishing her major because she taught some extra classes there due to her career. I wonder if Jisung and Jinsu ever crossed paths... I need to ask Jinsu about it.

But even though Jisung has the same major as me, he is not working with his degree.

The demand that this country asks for is quite heavy, and not a lot of people can find a job right away after exiting the university.

He has been sending his resume to a lot of businesses, but so far no one has called him.

That is why he is working on something that has nothing to do with his studies.

Jisung says that there was someone who once told him that could give him a good spot in a prestigious company, but he turned them down at once.

If not for himself, he didn't want to climb above others just for connections. He decided to walk the hard path and get a job on his own merits.

Can you believe that?

That is something really hard to achieve here in Korea. You need to use someone if you really want to achieve it.

I feel so ashamed. My uncle gave me all the things I have right now.

I didn't even have to do anything in order to get to the position I have today.

If I tell Jisung this, he will probably think that I am a lame rich guy that has never suffered and everything was given in a gold spoon.

Ugh! What shall I do?

Since Jisung knew that taking that path would be hard, he also started with other jobs, and one of those was teaching languages.

I've noticed that there is someone Jisung refers to every time he speaks five words, but he doesn't say the name or the gender.

At first, I thought he was referring to his brother, but when he mentions Changbin he says "honey" or "my brother" so, he can't be.

By referring to this person, he just says 'this amazing person' 'that soft soul' etc. Attributes that could be used to a woman or man and someone you admire or are acquainted with.

Love Never Existed - HyunsungNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ