Chapter Forty Nine

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Story: Moira
Chapter Forty Nine: One Final Time

Rain started pouring down upon the cracked earth, drenching the dried land like pouring water on a thick line of flame. Harry's tears mixed with the rain as it flowed down his cheek and dropped onto Ginny's pale face.

"She's gone. . . She's never coming back. . ." he whispered, mostly to himself but everyone heard him. There was not a single dry eye in the whole garden which was now, the aftermath of a deadly battlefield.

Harry felt extremely alone as if his heart had stopped working. Without its rapid beats, his body felt numb and silent. He was dying internally as he saw her face; he heard someone approach him and he wished it was Death who was coming to take him with his Ginny. He did not look up when a gentle hand patted his arm.

"Harry, she isn't dead."

Harry looked up sharply to see Hermione's face. Her hair was sticking to her face and she had a small smile on her face. Everyone gasped and Draco shouted at the brunette.

"Don't Hermione! Don't give us false hope!"

"I'm not!" Hermione retorted and turned to face the blonde boy who was paler than usual. Theo was struggling to hold the weights of Ron and Draco as they collapsed weakly into him. "I-I petrified her. . . I don't know if it worked but I hope it d-did. Harry, can you counter it, please? My hands are shaking."

Pointing his wand loosely at Ginny. He prayed to Moira that Ginny was still alive. Then he muttered the counter spell. "Ren–ahem. Rennervate!"

To say that it was a miracle would be an understatement. Ginny blinked her eyes and met Harry's teary green ones with sparkling curiosity. Shouts of joy and relief was heard and Hermione was tackled into hugs by all the Weasleys and Ginny's friends.

Harry quickly hugged the bushy haired witch and whispered in her ear. "Thank you so much, Hermione. I can't thank you enough for saving her. . ."

Hermione smiled and patted his shoulder. "She's not just your love. She's my sister, my best friend."

Harry smiled gratefully at her and Ginny cleared her throat.

"Can any human tell me what on hell is happening?" she asked, irritation laced in her voice. Ron hugged her.

"You – died! Harry – killed – Eaters – War – over – Harry –!" Ron stuttered through sobs as he squeezed Ginny.

"Ow! Ouch!" Ginny exclaimed as every single Weasley joined in, determined to squeeze her to death in their warm and relieved embrace. "Okay, okay! I understand it! I died, okay? Stop squashing me!"

When the Weasleys broke apart, Neville, Luna, Draco and Hermione hugged her. Ginny was rather relieved she did not have a long queue of friends. Suddenly, a loud rumble was heard and everyone took out their wands, pointing them at various directions and in awkward poses. Regulus, Draco and Harry rolled their eyes as Ron burst out laughing.

"What, can't a man feel hungry?" Sirius complained and everyone shot him a glare besides Ron who was laughing his head off. "I'm. . . sorry?"

"I'm sure you aren't. Get in and get refreshed. Although the kitchen isn't in the best of condition, I'm sure I can cook up something for you all," Molly offered before patting Charlie's bruised cheek and bustling into the house. Arthur sighed.

"We have work to do, Father," Percy reminded him as he nodded at the bodies of the Eaters. Arthur nodded.

"We'll go to the ministry and get some aurors to clear this off. Tell Molly we'll be back by dinner. Surely she won't be too happy with me," Arthur said before taking Percy's hand and Apparating away. Sirius swung an arm around Ron and led him inside. Regulus grabbed Theo's arm and did the same. Draco looked at his parents who smiled at him.

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