Chapter Eleven

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Story: Moira
Chapter Eleven: The Day Out

The next day, everyone woke up earlier than usual for it was the day of Hogsmeade visit. Both, the boys as well as the girls of the combined school were really excited. The breakfast was a loud affair and Ron was the only one who could eat more than a plate of toast.

For some reason, Harry felt nervous. He did not wish to go to the village, but to his surprise, he found himself agreeing with Ginny when she proposed that he go with them.

He had his reasons for his unwillingness to go. For one, he was not accustomed to being in a social village. For the second reason, he was afraid of losing control over his magic again. As a reassurance, Ginny always stayed by his side and comforted him when he would start shivering lightly.

"Why do you shake?" Ginny asked curiously when they were on their way to the magical village. Harry shrugged.

"I don't know. . . I sort of tremble when I lose control. Everything goes black and I won't be able to see a thing." That was how Harry would describe his losing control of magic. For now, only Ron, Draco and Ginny knew about this problem besides Sirius, Regulus and Dumbledore.

Ginny nodded and always stuck with him in case he needed help. Although Harry did appreciate her trying to be helpful, he was finding himself uncomfortable for some reason. Every time she would grab his shoulder, he would feel electricity coursing through his body and he had no idea why. Goosebumps would erupt and his hair would stand on the end. He literally thought his hair would look like he had been electrocuted.

The group of seven were walking aimlessly when they heard a shout. The voice seemed to be that of a girl's. Harry led the group to the source and what they found shocked them. A man in black robes was pointing his wand at a girl. Harry stopped his friends from coming behind him and slowly walked to the man.

"Dolohov," Harry said calmly. The man turned around and his eyes widened.

"My Lord, I was asked by Bellatrix to retrieve the girl. I –"

Harry held up his hand to stop the older man's ramblings. "Release her. She is not the one you are looking for."

"But my Lor –"

"I am not your Dark Lord!" Harry shouted, withdrawing his wand and pointing it at the man in front of him.

"I–I am sorry, my Lor –"


Nothing was said. The man, Dolohov, silently Apparated away. The girl was still crouched down in fear. Draco and Hermione rushed past him to heal the girl but he did not care. He was on the verge of using a dark curse. Suddenly, a warm hand gripped his left hand and he closed his eyes. Ginny gently whispered in his ears, causing Ron's voice to get muffled.

"It's okay, Harry. He's gone. You are not a Dark Lord. It's okay."

Harry let out a deep breath and opened his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked in a low tone to the girl who was now being supported by Hermione and Luna. She nodded. She had long dark brown hair and a really pale face.

"Let's go back to the castle. You need rest, Tori," Ginny suggested. The girl shook her head no.

"What did the git do to you, girl?" Draco asked. Harry noticed a concerned glint in his steel-grey eyes.

"Draco!" Ron hissed. "I think a good ol' butterbeer will fresh her up. You get those stuff from some broomstick shop, don't you?"

"The Three Broomsticks then. Also, Ron, it is a pub, not a broomstick shop," Hermione reprimanded. The girl slightly laughed at Ron's pout. The gang of eight walked to the warm pub, chatting about anything and everything although Harry remained silent.

Moira | Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now