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Story: Moira
Prologue: The First Mistake

Godric's Hollow was usually a very serene environment to live in. Rustling of golden leaves and the gentle October breeze was the perfect weather for Halloween. The soft light emitted from inside the cut-out pumpkin lanterns lightened the rocky path enough for one to walk through.

Enjoying the festive weather and atmosphere, a man with long black hair tied into a ponytail, walked to his best friend's house with a cheery grin plastered on his handsome face. He was going to meet his little godson and take him out for trick-or-treating. The very thought brightened his face even more.

Just like a pin breaking the peacefulness by dropping down in a calm atmosphere, an ear-piercing scream broke the stillness of Godric's Hollow so much so that the man started hurrying to the source of the sound. His robes fluttered behind him as he ran, in panic, to his best friend's place.

His run rendered him breathless but the emotion that coursed through him when he saw the broken remnants of the once beautifully towering house broke through his lack of oxygen. Before he could even move a muscle, another man in a black, long robe with pale face emerged out of the ruins, his arms carrying a still baby.

"VOLDEMORT! WHAT ON AZKABAN OR YOU DOING HERE?! AND HOW DARE YOU CARRY MY GODSON? WHAT DID YOU DO TO JAMES AND LILY?!" the black-haired man shouted, rage overtaking his senses at the sight of the bald man.

"Black!" the bald man whose name was supposedly Voldemort, hissed. "I don't want to beat around the bush. You get to raise Harry but on one condition."


"Sirius, Sirius, Sirius. You need to have patience being a Black. Dear old Potters are dead. I killed them. Fear not, I will never harm Harry," Voldemort answered with no trace of remorse in his voice. This angered the black-haired man.

"KILLED?! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU NOW!" Sirius withdrew his wand but with a swift motion of his hand, Voldemort disarmed him.

"I have a deal to make," Voldemort announced calmly. However, Sirius was in no mood to entertain his deals. The loss of his two best friends had driven him into a rage which he could not, for the life of him, control.

He turned into his dog form, Padfoot, and pounced on Voldemort. A thin shield formed out of nowhere and forced the shaggy black dog to recoil. "Listen, you fool!" Voldemort hissed urgently. "We have to get this talk done and over with before that old man sends his giant."

The sound of a crack resonated and Sirius was forced back into his human form by a spell by the newcomer. He turned around to face the new devil, only to meet the eyes of his traitor brother – Regulus Black.

"Sirius, please! Listen to the Dark Lord. We have very less time!" Regulus begged, but before Sirius could retort back, another voice boomed in the distance.

"Tom, what are yeh doin' ere?!"

Voldemort's red eyes met the brown orbs of the half giant, Hagrid. Sirius took Voldemort's distraction as an opportunity to physically pounce on him and grab his godson, but alas, the shield was still around the Dark wizard and his godson. He looked at the half giant for help.

"Sirius, Headmaster Dumbledore asked me ter take little Harry ter his aunt's an' uncle's house. I need ter obey his command," Hagrid told Sirus. This angered Sirius even more. Harry's aunt and uncle were the vilest human beings he had ever had the unfortunate chance to meet.

"Harry is NOT going anywhere! He will be with me and I, as his legal guardian, will raise him!" Sirius shouted, intending to get rid of the three men.

"You will raise Harry, Black. I shall hand him over to you if you were to agree to my deal. If you don't," Voldemort immediately pointed his yew wand at little Harry. "I will kill him. The choice is yours."

Moira | Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now