Chapter Thirty One

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Story: Moira
Chapter Thirty One: She's Gone Again

After a few minutes of waiting in agony, the door of the room opened. She looked up to see her Headmaster walking towards them, his face in a tensed expression. He kneeled down facing her and took Harry's cold hand.

"Ginny, what happened to him?"

"I-I don't know Master! He – I saw him entering this room the day before yesterday. I couldn't find him for a while and when I finally did I saw a fire surrounding him. He was. . . was losing control over his power and there were two silvery figures. I was one of them and there was Alarie's brother, Nathaniel too!

"When I controlled the fire to some extent, I saw him fainted on the ground so I supported him to this room. He – we had an argument and I left. . . Ron said he did not return for the whole night so I came here and – oh, I should have never fought with him!" Ginny exclaimed in despair. Dumbledore seemed to understand something she did not.

"I think he used his power twice in a matter of few hours. It has weakened him considerably," Dumbledore said as he gently laid Harry's hand to his side.

"But why?"

"That is probably for the greater good," Dumbledore replied. Ginny felt her anger raising. Why was everyone keeping her in the dark?

"Master –"

"He needs to eat as soon as he wakes up. It might take him sometime but continue what you are doing now, Ginny," Dumbledore cut in. Ginny looked at him, exasperation and confusion evident on her face. "Hold his hand."

"But why?!" this time, she shouted, being unable to keep the irritation in her system.

"Because Moira has her ways of playing with lives. I know not anymore than that."

And so, for the whole night she sat down, huddled in front of the fireplace, her hand tightly gripping Harry's cold one. Dumbledore had shifted him to the sofa which was serving as his bed.

Ginny had sent a patronus to Hermione stating that she did not find him and that she was going to find a spell to locate him. She also added that there was no need to reply unless they found him which was, she knew for sure, impossible unless Harry had a doppelganger.


Harry woke up to the feel of someone's hand in his but he couldn't open his eyes in an instant. He shifted slightly to his side and fluttered open his eyes. He looked down and saw a mass of red hair lying on the empty space beside him. He tried to talk but his throat had long since gone dry. He felt his heart throb in his ribcage. Feeling really weak to do anything, he closed his eyes and fell asleep once again.


When Harry woke up again, he was feeling slightly better and was greeted by Ginny's concerned brown orbs.

"Harry! You idiotic prat!" she shouted, immediately withdrawing her hand from his. Harry felt his energy drain and collapsed again.

He woke up, ten minutes later.

"Harry! You idiot! Oh – I'm so sorry!" Harry tried to laugh but it came out as a fit of coughs. "Don't! Don't stress yourself. Accio water bottle!" He heard the sound of water splashing against its container. "Here, take a sip."

Using a straw that she conjured, he took a slow and long sip, relishing in the effect that the cool water caused on its way down his throat.

"Ssa –" Harry's voice came out as a hiss before he shut his mouth at her glare.

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