Chapter Seventeen

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Story: Moira
Chapter Seventeen: Revealing Secrets

The vigour of the Yule Ball finally started wearing out as the second task started looming in. None of the champions knew what the task would be, but it never stopped them from training.

Yet again, on Ginny's insistence, they started a routine of jogging around the Black Lake in the mornings.

These mornings were special for Harry. They shared some or the other information about their lives during those jogs, no matter how insignificant they were.

"At times, I feel that I'm really worthless. I keep a lot of secrets . . . " Ginny said in a slow and breathless tone. Harry looked at her. Her hair danced behind her as she slowly ran beside him. Perspiring heavily, he stopped and grabbed her arm. She stopped too and looked back at him, having managed to overtake him while he paused.

"I have a lot of secrets too, d'you know?" Harry asked, breathless himself.

Ginny lightly nodded before slumping down onto the grass beneath her. She patted the space beside her and Harry gladly sat down. He took out his water bottle from his rucksack and handed it to her. She smiled gratefully at him and took the bottle.

"I - you don't know the real me . . ." Harry said. She gulped down the water then handed him the rest. He took a small sip then closed the bottle and threw it inside the rucksack in frustration.

"You think so?"

"I know so. I don't know myself . . ."

"You know who you are deep down, Harry. You just have to believe it. Believe the Harry," she placed her hand on his chest, right where his heart was supposed to be. "who resides here."

Harry looked down. Ginny trusted him so much but he was keeping not one but many secrets from her. One instance being that of Ron's true identity. "You said you lost your brother?" he found himself blurting out.

"Yeah," Ginny said lowly, her tone taking a melancholic turn. "When I was born, everyone of my family was in the hospital. They were all so thrilled to hear the birth of a girl after so many generations. Bill, my eldest brother, was carrying my now long lost brother. A man in a hood suddenly attacked Bill and snatched the baby before Apparating away. Bill still blames himself for it, but I think I am the one to be blamed. . . The man was originally after me."

Harry's eyes widened. He knew of all the secrets that concerned the Weasley family but not of one - why was Ginny needed? His master had never revealed that piece of information to him.

"W-why?" He stuttered out the question. She looked apprehensive before shaking her head.

"Master told me something back then when. . . y'know, after the ball when you fainted."

"Yes?" Harry urged. She looked hesitant for a long time, so he grabbed her nearest hand and held it tightly in his. She looked down at their entwined hands before looking away towards the lake.

"I am supposed to be the Witch of Creation and you, the Wizard of Destruction. We are supposed to be the reincarnations of Godric and Giselle Gryffindor."

The silence which followed was filled with thoughts. "How does he know?" Harry asked suddenly.

"The black aura you created when you wanted to destroy me indicates your Power of Destruction. The rock which caused you to trip and fall on me was created by me, indicating my Power of Creation."

"I - err I don't remember . . ." Harry said, scratching his neck in embarrassment. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

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