Chapter 12

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Rhyn scratched his head as he stared at his car. It wasn't turning over, just making a clicking sound. He called a tow truck to take it to the shop. Now he was just waiting.

School started back and they were careening to the holidays. The semester would be over before they knew it. In a few short months, they would be getting ready to graduate. The thought of that was slightly nerve wracking, but Rhyn already had plans.

He would be backpacking across Europe for three months then would come home and start working on his first manuscript. He already had a collection of short stories published with plenty more ready to go. He wanted to write his first novel soon, and had his first outline planned. His trip to Europe was to help him jumpstart his career.

The tow truck came. He gavehim the information and fee then called the mechanic as he walked towards the gym. Rhys was at practice. If he wasn't busy, he'd catch a ride home with him. If he was busy, he'd call Rhyd. The youngest brother was currently off campus building his senior project, but he had to pass by campus on his way home. He would pick Rhyn up if he needed a ride.

It started raining as he walked towards the gym. He had forgotten his umbrella in his car so he had to run to get out of the rain. He didn't want his things to get soaked. He flinched when it thundered. He'd never been the biggest fan of thunder or loud noises. If he was inside, it didn't bother him. Right now, he was outside where he was vulnerable.

He hurried to the double doors. A girl was walking out as he ran up. She smiled and held the door open for him. He thanked her and returned her smile. He shook off as much water as he could then checked his bag to make sure nothing was ruined. Satisfied, he went to the basketball gym.

The yelling and squeaking of shoes met him before he got to the doors. A blast of cold air ruffled his wet hair as he opened the door. He walked to the stairs and descended them, going to his favorite spot. He sat down and pulledout a thick notebook.

Every time Rhyn had a thought or story idea, he wrote it down. Some he had started and some were jotted down. He had them separated so he could work on whatever he wanted. He had plenty of ideas. He just couldn't see all of them out as of yet, but he hoped he could one day.

Across the court, Myles frowned at Rhyn's sudden appearance. He was wet and shivering, but he had his head bowed as he was scribbling something. Randomly showing up was new for Rhyn, but no one seemed to mind. Having an audience was nothing new to them.

Myles looked at Rhys. he was sitting on the jersey bench, but his gaze was on his brother. He had no idea why he was there either. That ruled out Rhys inviting him to watch practice.

The whistle blew, and Myles was substituted in. He took his teammate's place and started running the plays. Every so often he'd glanced at Rhyn, but the younger brother didn't look up.

He caught Ryan's eye, and the other guy had the same questions. Myles hand't realized Ryan had feelings for Rhyn. he'd just thought he was a good friend. He didn't know he'd been sitting back waiting for his time to swoop in and sweep him off his feet. Now, he saw Myles as an absolute rival. Myles was fine with that. He always got what he wanted.

They practiced for several more hours. Rhys and Myles had a friendly competition as they tussled on the court. Their teammates laughed and egged them on. In the end, Rhys's team won by a lucky three-point shot Rhys sank at the buzzer. Myles would never live it down. Well, at least until the next scrimmage.

They gathered their bags from the locker room and started making dinner plans. Ryan and Rhys were going to work out for a while. Myles had a project to finish so he was heading home. He'd dinner on the way since his dad would undoubtedly be working late.

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