Chapter 5

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Myles replayed Rhys's last word in his head over and over. He wanted him to leave Rhyn alone. Rhys said he needed to process everything, and having Myles hovering over him would make him more irritated than everything.

Rhyn hadn't reached out. Myles hadn't expected a text message or a phone call since he didn't have Myles's number, but he wasn't hard to find on social media. Since that night at the triplet's house, Myles had been patient. Finding out he'd slept with his friend's brother had shocked him, but after a few days he'd gotten past it. Now he wanted to talk to the man he'd been with.

But Rhyn wasn't cooperating. Any other person he had slept with would have called him the next day. He would have asked if they were okay and would have invited them out for lunch or dinner. He would have been the perfect lover for any of them. Except this time, Rhyn wasn't giving him the chance.

Myles had done plenty of research. It wasn't uncommon for a man to have a fever after his first time having sex with another man. It was easy to get an infection if after care wasn't done and the body wasn't clean. It was the same concept for a woman having to urinate after sex to keep from getting a urinary tract infection. Myles had developed a series of aftercare he liked to show his partners, but Rhyn had been gone when he'd gotten up.

He knew the other person had a small fever when he'd seen him at his house. His cheeks had been rosy red and he hadn't been hungry. He had sat quietly with his brothers nursing ginger ale to ease his unhappy stomach.

What had unnerved Myles the most had been the way he'd looked at him. He had been nervous on the verge of a panic attack. Only his brother sitting beside him had calmed him. His actions had let Myles know he was still trying to process everything. He had questions he couldn't ask because he hadn't wanted his brtoerhs to know what had happened.

Myles could have helped him through it had he just asked. He may have made a mistake but he could make sure his partner was okay. Rhyn had taken that away from him, opting to hide away at home.

Rhys had asked him to leave his brother alone. Rhyn wasn't inclined to tlak to him. He wanted to be left alone, but Myles couldn't do that. He at least wanted to apologize. He'd done something deplorable and wanted to make it right.

He knew Rhys wouldn't tell him where his brother was so he'd relied on other sources. He'd asked one of his friends in the business department if he knew of anyone named Rhyn Easley. He hadn't, but within a week Myles knew what department Rhyn was in and his class schedule. He was basically a stalker.

He walked into the library and glanced around. As fall break neared, many students were scrambling to get their midterm papers and projects into their professors. The library was packed full with students working on various projects. Some were in groups but many were alone. There were pockets of chatter buzzing about, but it was otherwise quiet.

Myles glanced around the first floor. Not finding his target, he went upstairs. It was less populated on the second floor and quieter than the first floor. People who liked to study alone usually sat up here.

He was about to give up when he spotted a familiar face. His head was down, but Myles would be able to tell an Easley triplet anywhere now. Rhyn was listening to music as he alternated between reading and writing. He was working on a paper or project like everyone else.

Myles awalked over and dropped his bag to an empty chair. Rhyn jumped as he sat down and looked up. He frowned then looked back down. Myles didn't take any fault from it. He had interrupted his studies.

He sat quietly, reading his own study materials. Every so often, he'd glance up and look Rhyn over. He was memorizing a face that was familiar yet different. All three brothers had the same oval shaped face, but each one was slightly different. Rhys had a sharper jawline from years of athletics. Rhyd was a little bit chubbier because he spent his days inside. He wasn't fat, but he didn't always work out. Rhyn was a nice mix of both of them. He had a decent jawline with round, plump cheeks. His lips were thicker and bow shaped, plus there was the mole that accentuated them.

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