Chapter 10

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Rhyn sat across the table from Ryan as Rhys and Myles talked. He'd been dragged out of the house by Rhys to meet his friends at the local pizza parlor. He hadn't been sure why, but he liked pizza so he would sit back and see what would happen.

He'd found the almost empty bourbon bottle in his bedroom and realized what he'd done. He had to do an inventory of his body to make sure he didn't screw up again. Luckily, there were no marks or anything. He vaguely remembered Myles coming into his room, but nothing else struck his memory.

He'd spent a couple of days just lounging in his room. Rhys had practice and Rhyd was still gone. He checked in every now and then, but no one really talked to him. Their mom called him daily, but he rarely answered.

By day five, his mother was begging Rhyn to go out. She said he couldn't always stay home. She wanted him to have friends, but Rhyn was picky. He'd never had a good friend since his high school friend had moved to California to go to Berkeley. He just never ever bothered to find a new one.

Somewhere in all of that, Rhys had figured he would take matters into his own hands. So what did he do? He kidnapped Rhyn. he dragged him from his room to the car so quickly Rhyn barely had time to say anything. He ever forgot his phone, not that it really mattered. No one ever called him.

The three basketball players lamented their choice to play their senior year. They wanted to play, but it cut into their free time. They had to schedule time to hang out and study. Sometimes the last one fell by the wayside. Rhyn had helped them study multiple times.

Ryan Hodges made up the trio. He'd been Rhys's closest friend in high school. When they'd graduated, they'd drifted about as far apart as Rhyn and his friend had. But Ryan had tried out for the team as a walk-on their sophomore year. He'd reconnected with Rhys and had met Myles. The trio had been cemented then.

Now they were sought after. They were invited to every party, even the lower ranked ones. No matter where they went, people followed. A small party became a huge one when they arrived. Whoever threw it was instantly a celebrity for a time. At least until the next party they showed up at.

As it was, they were getting looks from several girls sitting next to them. Rhyn could they were trying to get up the course to talk to them. It wouldn't work. Rhys liked to play around, Myles as picky as hell, and Ryan had been dating someone. Rhyn would rather be at home than out so they wouldn't have a chance with him either.

Sharp pain lanced up his shin, and he looked up. Myles looked at him, eyebrows raised in question. Rhyn shook his head, and he focused his gaze back outside the window. He wasn't interested in their conversation.

A hand landed on his. Rhyn jumped, jerking his arm back and cracking his elbow against the booth. The other three stared at him, confused as to what was happening. Embarrassment reddened his face, and Rhyn looked back out the window, his arms tucked under his legs. Myles hadn't meant to scare him so why had he reacted so violently.

Their pizza came, and everyone started digging in. Rhyn waited patiently, watching everyone enjoy themselves. Myles noticed and wiped his hands. He reached for the pizza spatula to serve him. Ryan and Rhys saw it, but Ryan was faster.

"No, stop!" He grabbed Myles's wrist. Myles nearly dropped everything. "He's allergic to mushrooms and peppers."

"I ordered him a sausage calzone," Rhys added.

Myles looked at Rhyn. The other boy looked at him levelly, his eyes slightly wide. He had allergies? Was that why he picked at his food when they went out to eat? Why didn't he tell them at the beginning? Not them. Him? Why hadn't he told him? Why did Ryan know?

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