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Since mama's case turn into a social media sensation, the jury where the one that reach out the verdict and she was found guilty and convicted of involuntary manslaughter, do she was expecting it but it still sounded unexpected for her, she was sentenced to 4-5years imprisonment, even do Imran promised her she do be out before that time and will make sure she have a cell of her own with the necessary things she will need but that doesn't help, been pregnant and having to deal with some mean inmate harassing her for a crime she never committed is enough to traumatize her emotionally.

It's been 7months since she's been in the correctional center of the state, Imran make sure she never lacked anything, even with her small cell she have everything she do need, a small mattress, and a neatly bedsheets and even some healthy food Imran make sure she have all that, she had her first ultrasound in the prison clinic and she was told she is carrying a whole triplet inside of her, it's a news she do be happy about if she won't spend the next three years in the state prison.
As usual it's Saturday evening Imran comes to check on her every weekend, she's sitting from the opposite side of the table just speechless as usual,
Some days she just want to see herself outside this horrible place.

"Maryam."Imran call and she turn her gaze back to him, there are few times she ask Imran why he's still with her despite everything going on in her life and all he said to her was that, "he just want her to realise it's ok to be the victim"

"Mama you are not taking care of yourself, I know it's difficult for you and even us, don't you know that sometimes Allah test us because we failed to accept our indifference,
You never appreciate all the good things he blessed you with because you are busy and engrossed with the negativity of life,
Maryam it's ok to be a victim ,
Everyone is a victim one way or the other,
Just because you have a certain health condition doesn't define who you are,
Everyone you see has been taken advantage of in life one way or the other, some people have been used,
Others suffered a major betrayal,
Some have to deal with criticism, but if you don't let all that bring you down and see the positivity of life then you are not a victim, until you learn to accept the fact that you are a victim ,only then you will be happy."Imran say and mama just stare at him.

He's right, everything he says is the truth, she has never for once see the positivity of life, she's soo engrossed and buried in been a victim that she have lost her self esteemed.

"Thank you."is the only word she could find and Imran release a heavy breathe.

"Ibrahim is still working in your case, hopefully you do leave after spending 3years, it's the least offered he's been getting and that's mostly because they said you are behaving good in here,
Maryam I'm sorry i can't do anything to bring you out of this place."Imran say tiredly and mama smile.

"It's ok Imran you've done more than enough for me, maybe i will use this opportunity to do something with my life."mama say and Imran stare at her for a while but didn't comment.

They talked for a while mostly about the pregnancy as Imran suggest the babies stay with his parents while mama insists on them staying with sadiq, once the visiting time is over they come to the conclusion the babies stays with Imran parents, Imran leave and mama walk back to her cell.

That night Maryam gave birth to her pre mature babies 2 boys and a girl in the prison clinic, she get the opportunity to see sadiq, aunty amina and Imran, the kids where wrapped neatly and sadiq left with them so they will be taken care of in the hospital until they are healthy enough to be outside, it's the most painful thing for mama, having her children taken away from her and there's nothing she can do about it,
That night mama had an epiphany, As she give birth to her babies she also rebirth herself, she realises there's nothing more Beautiful than the gift of life,
She believe is ok to be a HIV AIDS victim, it's ok to be taken advantage of,
It's ok for life to be unfair and unjust to us and it's ok to be a victim because at some point everyone is a victim, everyone is a Patsy.

2months after putting to birth it's the first time she's seeing her children since they where taken from the prison clinic, she do already told sadiq she want the first boy to be named after her dad(Bilal) and the second boy should be named after his late dad(Hashim) the girl is named zahra'u after her mum.

"Believe me Bilal is the stubborn guy, he doesn't sleep at night, the other day mum and i have to take him to hospital because we thought something was wrong with him."Imran say as mama throw a playful glare at him.

"My very own father,
Don't mind Imran he's the meanest."she say swaying the little boy with a smile.

"Zahra'u doesn't have problem,
This girl have soo much patience in her, she should be the eldest, she's my favorite baby."imran say as mama place the little boy inside the baby hand carrier and collect the little girl from Imran, the girl doesn't look like her neither hashim, perhaps she look like her grandmother, the thought alone makes her to smile.

"Here is the file for the foundation you want to start, you just need to sign here and i will take care of the rest, how's your advocacy in here going, they show you on TV last week."Imran say with a proud smile as he drop some documents on the table.

Yeah."mama say and hand the baby to Imran so she can read through the papers, mama started a campaign on HIV victims to accept there differences and not letting that shattered there dreams, she told Imran she want to start an NGO that will help HIV AIDS and other victim's of Rape to achieve there goals and uplift there self esteemed, she knows she have enough money to start something before she comes out so she ask Imran to help her with the process since she will be in here for the next 3 to 4 years.

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