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Bilal pov

They say we can't run away from our past, sure i never thought for once that my horrible past might have any consequences in my present life or even future,
but that was before i met zahra'u,
Now I'm worried about my present and even scared of the future, sometimes we do things that will hunt us for life, had i known coming to this company will be a start of my misery i would have stay home like the hooligan i was, barely 2weeks after start working in this miserable company someone i never for once dread to meet walk into my office.

"Bilal."zahra'u call making me to look up from the papers around me on the bed.

"Are you alright?"
You come back very early and you didn't eat?
Is everything OK at the office?"she ask worriedly sitting on the edge of the bed.

I stare at her for a while before averting my gaze back to the bed and release a heavy breathe.

"Can i ask you?"I say and she hummm in response, zahra'u hasn't tell me about her past do i haven't ask her about that but i doubt she want to speak about anything from the past, especially anything patterning her daughter's origin.

"What do you think about second chances?"i ask and she release a deep breathe before glancing at me.

I want to tell zahra'u the truth, but i have to know if she will still be with me even after knowing the truth, this isy biggest fear and insecurity.

"Second chances are.........she pause and sigh.
I don't think it's everyone that deserve that, there are people who hurt us and damage our life to a point we can't heal, they leave permanent scars that even do we try to forget what they did to us we just couldn't,
I have a forgiving heart but i don't forget things Bilal especially one that hurt me deeply."zahra'u say with a sigh and glance at me.

"What about you?"she ask me and i shake my head.

"I just believe when one have a redemption they truly deserve to be happy regardless the mistakes they make in the past, if we keep judging people from there past i don't think that's fair ."I say and she nod.

"Should i bring you food?"she ask diverting the topic and i shake my head.

"Zahra'u."I call grabbing her hand and she look up at me making me to let go her hand and face palm.

"Who's mama's dad?"I ask and she didn't break eye contact with me she just stare at me as if trying to read something in eyes.

"She doesn't have one."she say with a distaste and anger dripping from her voice.

"I...... I'm sorry."is the only word i can find, this instance i know zahra'u will never be mine if she gets to know the truth and to have her to myself i will rather do everything i can to protect, ensure that my past is buried, my secret has to safe and conceal for me to be with her.

"I will go get you,,
Your food."she say and stand up from the bed, she have her usual captivating smile back on her face which makes me smile back at her,
I watch until she walk out of the bedroom before i quickly grab my phone to call the one person threatening to ruined my now perfect life.

Fed up is the exact word to describe how zahra'u has been feeling,
She's been so fed up with everything especially with taking her medication which unfortunately her life depend on them, until now she is not scared of anything but now she's scared, scared of the fact that Bilal will leave whenever he find out the truth about her daughter and worst this incurably disease she's having, Bilal is healthy very much healthy because he was feverish a couple of days and have to run some tests which zahra'u saw the result with the RVS-negetive sign, she's happy yet sad all at the same time, she know sooner or later Bilal will find out about her health status and that scared her a lot because she like the life she's building with him.

She's currently sitting on the carpeted parlour floor after Bilal left for work, he told her he will speak with his secretary for her to write waec and start school, but that's least of her problem because now there's a new girl staying in the Amin household and rumors have it she's going to be Bilal second wife, the fact that Bilal told her they will be moving out of the BQ apartment and start there own life doesn't help her curiosity, slowly her Bilal is changing, ever since he started working she knows something it's on his mind but she couldn't place a finger to figure out what that is, a soft knock on the door makes her glance at the wooden door with a sigh, she stand up and walk to the door, she creak it open and stare at the unfamiliar girl smiling at her.

"You are?"zahra'u ask, she doesn't know alhaji amin daughters and she careless about that because they are least of the people she want to come in contact with especially after the several warning she received from Alhaji amin himself.

"Can i come in?
My name is rufaidah."she say and zahra'u glance weirdly at the teenage girl before opening the door wide for the girl to come inside.

"Good afternoon."she greet with a smile and zahra'u nod.

"I'm sorry i know you don't know me but I'm also a daughter of this house,
I just heard my elder sisters discussing i don't know much but please no matter what happened don't leave ya Bilal by himself, they said he agreed to marry our cousin amrah but.......they said it's a negotiation something i don't know what this is all about but they said you will leave eventually and......the girl pause.
Ya amrah will hurt ya Bilal a...........

"And why should i believe you?"
Look rufaidah or whatever that your name is, please out."zahra'u say opening the door and point outside to the girl.

"I'm telling you the truth,
I promise an......"zahra'u didn't let her finish she grab the girl by the hand and throw her outside slamming the door shut with a sigh.

She doesn't want to believe anything anyone will tell her about Bilal especially the horrible people he live with as a family, the Bilal she knows always listen to her and he wouldn't want to bring another lady to the house to stay with them, she knows there marriage isn't a normal one but she doesn't have a single doubt that Bilal care about her, she push all the negative thoughts churning in her head and decide to prepare lunch h for her husband.


"Adam i can't do what you are asking me to, I have given you 50million naira already, I barely started working here but you have make me do things i shouldn't,
We've agreed you will stay out of my life after the money and now you want me to this to zahra'u?"Bilal say and shake his head in disbelief.

"Look at Bilal talking as do he is innocent, you and I both know if this girl knows the truth about you this stupid romance is over, besides she's not worth all this energy you are wasting, it's nothing to serious B."Adam say giving Bilal a gravely look with a smirk.

"It is serious to me Adam,
Whatever we did was in the past and i believe i paid you handsomely to leave me alone, I'm trying to build a life for myself."Bilal say and Adam roar into laughter which Bilal find rather irritating.

I give you my word,
Marry amrah and i will be out of your life for good, believe me B as bad as i don't want to ruined the perfect life you have now I also need to keep my own secret safe."Adam say with a heavy breathe of exhaustion and Bilal shake his head in disbelief.

"How do you even know this people?
This is ridiculous."Bilal say and Adam shake his head.

"That should be least of your problem Bilal,
Do we have a deal?"Adam ask and Bilal shake his head.

"No Adam,
I will rather tell zahra'u the whole truth than to take that girl as a wife,
It's dangerous and seems to me like i will end up losing zahra'u in the process of trying to keep her to myself."Bilal say and Adam shake his head.

"You have this night Bilal,
Marry Amrah or zahra'u knows the truth or worst everyone knows the truth, not only the truth but the whole truth."Adam say and bilal stare at him, he wait until he leave the office before he flinge everything on the desk away out of frustration without a care.

Adam sure is one of them that unfaithful night, it wasn't what happen that night that matters it was what happened after they left zahra'u house that night, aside that Adam knows soon much about him that if the truth happens to come out he will loose everything and everyone, sure enough there's only one way out of this Abide by Adams rules or dispose Adam himself but then doing that means him going back to the person he was years ago, he sigh and scream at himself for been soo damn wild while growing up.

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