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Shattered, is the only word that could describe how zahra'u has been feeling since Dr sadiq break the news to her, she cry and cry it's like her whole world is crumbling right in front of her.

2days after Mama is been discharged from the hospital neither Bilal nor zahra'u have speak about the divorce nor mama's illness, the information is just too much for them to both sink in it, zahra'u suddenly find herself hating Bilal the more, for Bilal he make sure to spend as much time as he can with his daughter, he feel sorry for mama and he knows this is just another reason that zahra'u will never be his, as for mama he hope she will grow up and learn to accept and live with this traumatizing information.

"I can't even believe i will be leaving in two days, time fly's."hashim say and bilal nod.

The two have become really close, Bilal find a junior brother in hashim and hashim is just soo comfortable with Bilal.

"I hope zahra'u have changed her mind, since she didn't leave i think she is no........Hashim doesn't get to finish his sentence there's an indistinct sound coming from the stairs that gain there attention.

"Just sent me the address."zahra'u say walking down the stairs with two of her suitcases Making both men to stand up as she end the call.

Bilal just stare, even do he hope zahra'u will stay with him he knows she is leaving, he know zahra'u have soo much hatred for him in her especially now.
"Maman ma........"hashim try saying but Bilal stop him, he just want zahra'u happy and he knows she won't find that happiness if she's with him.

Zahra'u head back upstairs and it's not even up to a minute she comes down with mama and two suitcases.

"You can't go with my daughter za......

"Your daughter!"zahra'u screech not letting him complete his sentence.

"What did you know about parenting?
Mama is not your daughter,
You don't deserve to be a father,
My mistake is ever letting you be a part of her life,
Stay away from me and my daughter,
You've caused alot of damage in our life's already."zahra'u say and head for the door but Bilal quickly grab the little girl.

"She's my daughter to zahra'u,

The daughter that have to face same fate as you put me through,
She's barely two years Bilal but the consequences of your mistakes has already make a huge impact on her life, do you know what is it like to be a victim?
You don't,
Mama have to live with same trauma as me?
Do you think you been a part of her life will make any difference?
What explanation will you say to her?

"Zahra'u please don't blame me for any of this.
Yes i was part of those that raped you but, I'm not the one that infected you with AIDS, and mama having diagnosed with AIDS it's not my fault either because if you did the necessary things during her pregnancy she would be healthy an........ zahra'u don't let him finish she slap him on the cheek.

"How dare you?
How dare you Bilal say it to my face that i don't do the necessary things to make sure i protect my daughter.
You don't know a single thing about my life or..........

"I don't care zahra'u,
Mama is more important to me than you,
If you want to leave and be with your boyfriend i can't stop you but i won't allow my daughter to grow up somewhere else while I'm still alive,
Mama is my daughter allow me to be a part of my daughter life that's all i want from you."Bilal say staring at zahra'u.

"Mama is not your daughter Bilal,
You raped me and i have my daughter you don't have any right to be a part of her life, or did you think mama will grow up and be proud to be your daughter?
Look Bilal let go my daughter."zahra'u say, she grab her daughter from Bilal hand and exit the parlour.

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