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They say curiosity and digging into matters are bad, but zahra'u couldn't help, the temptation to know what Bilal is hiding in the second bedroom just keep whispering in her ears,
She is currently sitting on her bed staring at her daughter who got back from school and is sleeping,
Her mind drift to Hashim and she sigh, she wonder how he's handling things all by himself over there, hashim is the only person she will count on in this life, he was there for her when she needed him.

"Zahra'u."the familiar voice call gaining her Attention as she glance at the wall clock that is showing 2pm, she sigh and stand up.

"Welcome back."she greet and Bilal nod with a smile but zahra'u isn't smiling which makes the smile on his waver out.

"Is everything OK?"he ask and zahra'u shake her head.

"I want you to open the second bedroom."she say and bilal give her a curious look.

"Why?"he ask dropping the bag on the couch and fold his hands to his chest.

"Because i want to see what you are hiding."zahra'u say staring at Bilal, she doesn't want anymore secrets with Bilal even she herself is fed up with keeping the fact that she's a HIV patient.

"Can we talk?"Bilal ask, he's going to say it because he's also tired of keeping things from zahra'u, she deserve to know the truth that way Adam will stop harassing him the way he's doing.

"Let's talk here."she say for some reason she is just irritated she believe whatever it is Bilal will tell her now Isn't something to be excited about.

I know you are a raped victim."he say and zahra'u look up quickly at him,
"I...... zahra'u whatever I'm going to tell you now please i want you to know that's.........

"How did you find out?"she ask staring at Bilal and her eyes start to see the similarities.

"I a...I am mama's father."he blurt and zahra'u stare at him, she can't believe she's been blinded all Themis while now that he say it , she can see the striking resemblance, she's speechless, words seems difficult to come out of her mouth and she feel all the memories of that night Washing back in her head.

"Zahra'u."Bilal call stepping forward but she back away.

"I promised you I'm a changed person,
I want us to be together, build a life and raise our daughter together,
You are the only good thing that ever happened to me, I..........

"Your friends infected me with AIDS,
You are healthy,
What about me?
How long will i continue living with this?
Have you thought of all the pains, embarrassment and humiliation i have been through,
Do you have any idea how i raised mama, the sacrifices the..........
I'm leaving."zahra'u say and enter her bedroom, she grab one of the suitcase and throw it on the bed.

"Zahra'u we can talk about this."Bilal say grabbing her by the hand, she didn't think twice to slap him.
She's not angry she's just upset that the man she thought is the one for her yet again he's nothing but a lier.

"She's your daughter right?"zahra'u say pointing at mama that's on the bed still sleeping.
"You can have her,
Give me my divorce paper."she demand and bilal shake his head in disbelief.

"I'm not divorcing you zahra'u,
I know a sorry won't fix this but....
Can't you at least give me a chance even because of her."he say and and zahra'u shake her head in disbelief.

"I barely know you Bilal,
Who else knows what you did?
How many more children you have out there, mama isn't the problem, the only thing is that anytime i look at you i will have to deal with the fact that you are also part of the reason i will have to be on medication for my entire life, you and i can never be together Bilal,"zahra'u say flicking her tears away as there daughter wake up.

Zahra'u stare at mama for a while deliberating on wether or not to leave with the girl, mama need to be healthy if she go with her now she doesn't have money for her treatment,
If she's alone by herself she knows she will survive, her daughter deserve a good life and she knows regardless Bilal odd behavior he would never hurt mama.

"Zahra'u I'm sorry."Bilal say and zahra'u shake her head.

"Sorry about what?
Sorry for raping me? Or
Sorry for........I don't even know what you are sorry for,
Do you know how difficult it was for me?"zahra'u say and Bilal sigh.

"Zahra'u we can mend things,
I promise you i will be a good husband and father to our daughter,
I believe God has a reason for bringing us together after all this years,"Bilal say and zahra'u shake her head.

"I think I'm just unlucky in life,
Bashir was the only person that genuinely care and somehow God took him away from me only to replace him with someone that i hate soo much,
Matter of fact I'm not leaving my daughter with you."zahra'u cry and bilal shake his head.

"You are not taking mama with you."he say periodically and zahra'u snort.

"Or what?
She's my daughter Bilal,
You don't know anything about her,
I'm going with my daughter it's not like she deserve a father like you."zahra'u say and grab one of the suitcase but Bilal collect it from her.

"You are not going anywhere zahra'u,
Not you, not my daughter,
If you are persistent to leave then drop my daughter, she need to be healthy and you can't provide that for her."he say and zahra'u look up at Bilal in bewilderment.

Bilal knows if he let zahra'u leave with there daughter there's a very big probability he won't see her ever again, mama is the only person that can keep them together and if him been rude and inconsiderate will make zahra'u stay then so be it.

"I will leave with my daughter Bilal and there's nothing you can do about it, no one not you, not your dad can stop me from taking my daughter."she say with a hiss and snatch the suitcase from Bilal who's staring at her in puzzlement.

You all aren't encouraging me at all, better be commenting or i will just delete this book.

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