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Mama's pov

Today i wake up alot more down than usual, there's this increasingly pain in my abdomen that got me laying since i wake up, I have been noticing this slight lighting stain on my pants yesterday and they said is normal but then this morning i wake up and there is a pool of blood soaking my pants and my bedsheets, as usual uncle hashim was the one that help me out.

"Mama are you done?"uncle hashim ask walking inside the bedroom, I couldn't move an inch from the spot I've been laying i feel so exhausted.

I just stare from where I'm laying down, I can feel the pad i put on earlier soaking.

"Come on,
Lete help you."uncle hashim say and grab me by the arm and sit me upright, he grab the veil by my bedside and hand it to me.

I roll the veil on my head and uncle hashim help me up, I feel so dizzy, the dripping of the cold liquid coming down from my laps is what makes me close my eyes shut with a sigh.

""Sorry."he say as we walk down the stairs, i am really scared the thought of me Lossing this pregnancy makes me scared, I know this pregnancy wasn't conceive the halal way but i love whatever it is that is growing inside of me.

"Where are you going to?"aunty murja ask giving me and uncle hashim a creepy suspicious and distaste look.

She's not feeling very well."uncle hashim say and aunty murja shake her head.

"You know what Hashim,
I don't know what you take me for,
A fool?
I'm getting tired of this marriage, all you care aboy is this pathetic girl and the illegitimate child growing inside of her,
What about me?
Do you think.........

"Murja please,
We will discuss this when i got back,
Mama need medical attention urgently."he say and aunty murja shake her head, fit the very first time i ever see her vulnerable, she breakdown and start crying.

"This is not fair Hashim,
Do you think i don't want you to have kids,
Do you know how many sleepless night do i have thinking about what and how our lives could have been if i will be able to have my own kids?
You don't?
Because you don't care, you don't have my time."aunty murja say in-between sob and for some reason i feel really awful for been that problem in there marriage.

"Come on murja,
It's ok, please don't say that,
I love you and i still do, I care about you and i want you to stop worrying yourself about this baby thing, when the right time comes the almighty will bless us."uncle hashim say and let go off me, he walk to where his wife is standing and hug her making me to gulp down the saliva down my throat.

He whisper whatever it is into her ears and clean her eyes sending a very discomforting feeling around me and making the abdominal pain 10x worst than earlier making a yelping scream to escape my mouth and I crumble on the floor.

"Mama."uncle hashim say quickly rushing to me and help me up.

Suprise enough aunty murja give him a helping hand as i glance at the lady who i am already used to her mean ways than caring site.

"It's gonna be ok,
Babe you go i will clean up the bedroom and join you at the hospital."aunty murja say and uncle hashim nod as he open the car door for me.

My mind start instigating this inappropriate thought about aunty murja and i push all thought behind as the blood runs down my legs


Probably an hour after there arrival in the hospital, mama was rush to the ICU somehow her condition escalated rapidly than expected, as hashim sit in the reception waiting patiently for sadiq to come out from the ICU.

"Good morning."the familiar voice greet making him to turn abruptly.

Morning."hashim say as they exchange handshake.

"How is she feeling?"Imran ask removing his white coat from the backpack.

"I honestly don't know it's more than an hour a.........
"Great guess they are done."hashim say and quickly saunter to meet sadiq who's disposing the gloves.

"Sadiq ,
What's wrong, is she ok?"hashim ask and sadiq sigh as he wash his hands in the nearby sink.

"She's fine for now Hashim."sadiq say as he dry his hands.

"Hashim mama lost the pregnancy."sadiq say as they walk to his office,
"She will also need a kidney transplant."sadiq say with a sigh as he push his office door open.

For hashim this is alot of information to handle at one time, he sit with a heavy sigh on the chair, he's speechless he doesn't know how mama will even handle such traumatizing news.

She was doing everything, she was taking her medication and doing all the necessary things."hashim say and sadiq sigh.

"Hashim the human body is unpredictable at times, especially with her previous history of kidney problems when she was young, we have a kidney on ground but it's not a match, so I don't know we will just have to wait for a donor."sadiq say and hashim snort.

"Ofcrse i will be a donor sadiq, but
Is she alright now?"hashim ask worriedly and sadiq look at him for a while before noding.

"Hashim."sadiq call and hashim look up at him.

The worried look on hashim face, his estranged yet affection and caring personality is quite obvious to anyone that knows him that it's unusual.

"Are you in love with mama!"sadiq ask and hashim give him a confuse look.

Ofcrse not,
You know very well mama is like a daughter to me, I just care about her, besides i really want her to be with this Imran guy he seems really genuine."hashim say and sadiq shrug.

"If you say so,
I am just curious.........

"Can we not talk about this please.
Is she awake?"hashim ask dismissing the topic and sadiq sigh.

"I guess by now,
I will just see some few pending patience and i will come see her."sadiq say and hashim nod standing up.

As he leave the office hashim find himself thinking about what sadiq say, ofcrse he's not in love with mama, she's like a daughter to him, she look up to him as a father, he push all the thoughts and decide to go see how mama is doing.


"How are you feeling?"Imran ask worriedly staring at mama who's laying on the bed.

"Fine."mama say staring at the white hospital wall, she already knows she loss the baby, throughout the evacuation process she was awake, she feel empty and upset.

"It's going to be fine."Imran say and that word seems to upset mama.

The word fine always seems to bring more pain than happiness to her.

Because you show up in my life and say you want to marry me?
You don't know me Imran, you don't know a single thing about my life or my story so don't sit here and tell me everything will be fine."mama say with a sniff and Imran feel really hurt and offended.

He doesn't know what or how to convince mama that he really do love her and want to be there for her but it's as if the more effort he puts the farther they drift apart.

"Maryam what did i do to deserve this,
We all have a story, we all want to be happy, you are hurting yourself and me by doing this, I want to be there for you, in pain and happiness,
I really do love you I don't know how you want me to prove that to you."Imran say as the hospital room open and hashim comes in.

Hashim look between the two and release a heavy breathe, he glance at mama and sadiq words comes piercing into his ears and he shake away the thoughts.

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