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It's always easy when you don't know the only person you want to be with have the same feeling as you do, you do just conclude that he doesn't have the slightest feeling towards you and you will try to move on, hashim confessing his feelings to mama rather complicate things for her,
The last person she wants to offend is her aunt murja, the idea of calling off the wedding sound rather disrespectful to Imran in her own perspective, 2days after hashim tells her hr indeed have feelings for her mama try her possible best to avoid him and act as do everything is ok,
Even do it's obvious to her aunt that something is disturbing her since she kept zooning out whenever they are having a conversation.

It's just a week to her Wedding, mama will be lieing to herself if she say she's anticipating for that day, she's currently helping murja in the kitchen as they make light conversation about marriage life.

"Women make most of the sacrifices in marriage, sometimes we just have to be the one to carry this burden."murja say but mama's mind is far away, she doesn't want to betrayed her aunt neither did she want to hurt imran, but she can't help but wonder how her life will be with the only man she find herself helplessly falling in love with.

"Mama."murja call with a nudge snapping her out of her daydream.

"Huh."mama answer releasing a heavy breathe as murja stare at her, there's a part of murja that is still insecure about mama and her husband relationship, for murja she can't wait for mama to got hitched and leave the house, she knows her husband love mama and it's very obvious the feeling is mutual.

"Maryam."murja call and mama look up with a weak smile.
"I know you love Hashim and I know he also feel the same way........
But you don't deserve him mama, you know you don't, how can you even be with hashim when you have someone like Imran with you, you both are victim and.......I don't mean to sound selfish but, hashim makes a lot of sacrifices for you, the least you can do now is to control your emotions and let go, I am not against you been a HIV victim but i don't like the idea of you marrying my husband when you have someone who love you dearly,
Maryam we don't always get what we want in life."murja say and mama just stare at her aunt.

As mean as murja sound it's the harsh reality of the truth, Imran is a victim and she is a victim they do make a perfect couple, they will understand each other's pain and eventually find there happily ever after, hashim doesn't deserve someone like her, he deserve better and it's up to her to make him realises that, she flick the slightest tears from her eyes and nod at her aunt with a weak smile.

"I know aunty murja and i am not even going to make any decision that will hurt uncle hashim."mama say and murja shrug.

"I just want you to be considerate,
I know alot of doctors always say with medication and all those stuff one can marry a negative HIV person, but that's bullshit, what if it fails?
I care about you Maryam and I like how our relationship is now, don't let your selfishness ruined my marriage and your happiness."murja say and mama nod.

"I won't aunt murja."mama say and the two continue cooking in silence, mama mulling what her aunt say and murja wondering what hashim. Find so special about mama.

Hashim pov

I am not one of those people that like prying on people's life, neither do i go after things that aren't mine, I'm a dedicated Muslim man that believe in fate, destiny and accept whatever test the almighty set for me,
Realising i love mama is one of the biggest test of my life because I'm torn between going for what i want and watching the only girl i have loved all my life walking away,
I am at a certain point where i don't know the right decision to make, mama will never be happy if i called off the wedding, murja is heavily pregnant the last thing i want is to break such devastating news to her, I have alot of sleepless night just thinking about this, I have pray and pray for the almighty to show me the right path but all my heart keeps telling me is to do what i believe is right which in my own world is to go after mama.

"You are still here?"sadiq call opening the office door and I sigh.

I will soon head home."I say releasing a heavy breathe and sadiq sit with a sigh giving me this worrisome look.

"What is it hashim?"h ask and I sigh with another facepalm before narrating every to him, the thing with sadiq is he have solution and advice to everything and I don't mind sharing my problems with him because i believe he will come up with a solid solution for me.

"If you are sure mama also love you then do the right thing, you are not the first man that will marry a girl you train and certainly you are not going to be the last man,
I understand that this will bring alot of problems but it will pass and if mama doesn't belong to yoh the regardless the effort you will put then you will have to painfully watch her marry Imran."sadiq say and i sigh.

"But what can i do?
This boy really respect me sadiq, how can i bring myself so low and.......
This is so painful for me honestly,
What will mama even think of me."I say and sadiq shrug.

"She will be upset but eventually everything will be ok,
Stop overreacting to everything,
Imran is an understanding guy, all you need to do is sit him down and speak to him, he will listen and I believe he will help you to."sadiq say and i facepalm with a sigh.

"Is he around?"i ask and sadiq nod.

Better late than never,
Take a deep breathe and be a man."sadiq say as i stand up with a sigh.

My legs feel so heavy likewise my heart, I know this is the only way, it doesn't matter how stupid i sound or how ridiculous this may sound to him at the end love makes us do things we thought is impossible.

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