Chapter 44-An end to the Misery

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Nicholas's POV

The gunshot echoed through the hallway, leaving its sound for a while

As everything went silent, i looked at her. Her sight made me vulnerable, i realized she was going through more pain than her friend

But the thought of not being able to ease her pain was what ate me up

She sat on the floor with the gun beside her, she looked at her bloody hands as tears flowed down her cheeks furiously

She was unable to wipe her tears, she let them flow free

It took everything inside of me to tear my eyes away from that painful sight of hers

I drifted my sight to a crawling Cole who was attempting to grip the weapon

In a few seconds, a dark silhouette from the hallway approached and stepped out a man who i was very familiar with.

His attentive gaze looked at me for a good few seconds before he moved to the ground, looking at Cole who was covered in blood

"You've done enough" he said in a cold voice and Cole stopped his crawling

He painfully jerked his neck up to look at the voice and his eyes widened in horror

"Mr-gar-garcia" he barely managed to speak as his oxygen level dropped

"You've done enough kid" the old man repeated his words again and tore his eyes away from Cole

He walked over to me and patted my back in a tender way

"Young man, thankyou" he said short and sweet

Despite everything, i smiled at him and followed him until he walked away from the scene and out of everyone's sight

"Funny isn't it? I'm bleeding like a river into the sea because of someone who made my blood boil like lava" Cole spoke for the first time getting up on his knees

Instead of looking at me, his eyes turned to hers

She had dried tears on her face by now and couldn't care less about her appearance

She stared at Cole in horror and disgust, something that Cole was not expecting to come across

"Amore" Cole whispered but Isabella's face twitched at his voice

"Stop Cole. You've really done enough" she said in a voice that was a mixture of hurt and tremble

Her gaze never left Cole's as she saw his face going from proud to miserable and then vulnerable

"All this for what" i finally said realizing he didn't expect her to treat him like that

"I just wanted to love you" he said, his voice very much sounding like it was coated in deep regret

"But you couldn't, you became insecure" i said through gritted teeth

"You can't have everything you lay eyes on" she said almost a whisper and i could tell her words pierced through Cole's heart

He clenched his fist in anger, anger upon himself

"Regret is the most painful thing you can experience Cole" i said to him grabbing the nearby gun and putting it in the waistband of my jeans

"Huh" he said clearly confused by my actions

"I want you to die, but i know death is nothing compared to everything you did" i said and realization hit his face

"No please no" he begged me

"Please don't, kill me right now Nicholas" he repeatedly said but i turned away from him

I grabbed Isabella and held her hand firmly as she looked at me with wide eyes

"Let's get Jenny and leave" i said to her and she nodded

In a matter of time, Carlos appeared and he carried Jenny away

"Stay here and recall everything you did that formed tears in her eyes, and not just hers, all the countless other people including Jenny" i said to him with my back on his sight

"You're forgetting, I'm not the only villain here, you have an equal share" Cole spoke to me with hatred

"You don't deserve to be a villain because they also long to live in a peaceful world away from all the trouble that you apparently caused" i said as i walked to the door

"And now, suffer a slow painful death full of regret with no one to save you" i said and walked out of the room as his muffled crying begged me to free him

The Night We Met Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora