Chapter 42-An enemy of An enemy

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Isabella's POV
his cold voice speaks behind me and for a second i forget everything.

My hands go numb and i stand there unable to move.

My eyes drifted to Nicholas who had a calm face as he pointed the gun behind me.

Footsteps were heard behind me with every second, getting closer until his breath was fanning on the top of my hair

I looked at a calm Nicholas who was standing confidently, he spoke nothing but his eyes were fixated on me

"Now why did i think my day was going to be very good today" he spoke from behind me, his voice softer than before

"Because i was going to see you" he said and chuckled behind me

My nervousness started to die down as i noticed Nicholas putting his gun away

Nicholas gestured me to come to his side and i mustered up the courage to do so.

I took a step forward when suddenly, i was pulled back to someone's chest and everything went back to how it was

Nicholas pulled his gun back up aiming it behind me, only this time a knife went around my neck

"Whats the hurry amore" he spoke in my ear and i disgusted as i pushed my face away from him but his grip only tightened

"Nicholas put the gun down" Cole said to Nicholas who didn't even move an inch

"I said put the gun down or i might harm her" Cole said once again and i looked at Nicholas in terror

"I will tear apart your entire bloodline if you even do as little as to think of harming her" Nicholas said calmly and for a second, Cole's grip around my neck loosened

"Let her go, its between you and me" he said once again and i looked at him

Cole chuckled behind me

"It was never between you and me until you decided to get involved with her" Cole said in a calm voice and i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion

"She was supposed to be only mine- to be loved and cherished by" Cole said in my ear this time and i shivered while processing his words. His free hand traced along my hair

He loosened his grip completely around my neck and i took a step forward hesitantly, then picked up speed as i walked behind Nicholas

"Love can't exist in a place it was never meant to be in" Nicholas spoke right at Cole

"It doesn't matter now, if i can't have her, you can't too" with that, Cole raised a gun out of nowhere and my eyes widened in surprise

"You don't get to decide for that" a new voice was heard from behind Cole and i widened my eyes in surprise

Jenny walked behind Cole pinning a gun on his neck

"Jenny" Cole spoke hesitantly And jenny smirked

"What? You thought you had gotten 'rid' of me?" Jenny spoke sarcastically and a genuine regret spread across Cole's face

"You were wrong" Jenny spoke through utmost terror as she pressed the gun deeper inside Cole's neck and cold sweats started to form on his forehead

"you're going to regret it" Cole spoke through gritted teeth and in only a matter of time, a knife appeared in his right hand that he stabbed backwards catching Jenny off guard

Dammit! He knew her weakness

Jenny, unable to dodge the attempt, got stabbed with a knife deep inside the lower right part of her chest

She dropped the gun as she kept a shivering hand on her wound looking down at it

"They say silence is golden, but a devil's silence is the warehouse of sins and betrayals" Cole said as he picked up the gun from the ground and pointed it towards Nicholas

"Have a good reunion with your brother" Cole spoke through gritted teeth right as his finger moved towards the trigger

"NO" i yelled as i took a step and stood in front of Nicholas acting as his shield

I closed my eyes at the sound of the gun as i accepted my destiny

No sound was heard after the gunshot, though the gunshot was still echoing across the hallway

Several quiet seconds passed but I didn't feel any pain, confused i slowly opened my eyes to see a injured Cole dropped to his knees as he kept a hand on his leg stopping it from bleeding

I widened my eyes at this sudden change of events as i looked at Nicholas who wrapped his hand around mine pulling me closer to him

"An enemy of an enemy, is a friend" Nicholas said smirking

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