Chapter 9-The deal with the Devil

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Nicholas's POV
"does your offer still stand?" She asks me in an almost inaudible voice and i nearly miss it.

"What offer?" I say as i lean back in my chair fixing my hair

"You know the contract one?" She says still looking down and it starts to annoy me

"Look at me and tell me what offer" i say firmly and she hesitates but slowly lifts her head up to look at me

"Does your contract offer and whatever you were talking about in that café still stand? Can i still agree to it?" She speaks a little more clear this time and i smile from the corner of my mouth

She finally realized i only wanted to do her good.

"But wasn't it too harsh for you and wasn't i making fun of your situation?" I say repeating her sentences and she closes her eyes in frustration regretting her own words

"I wasn't thinking but now i am. I really need you" she says the last sentence with a hint of urgency and for some reason that sentence makes my heart beat faster

"The offer still stands" i say getting up and walking towards the window

"Can i sign it right now?" She says and i look at her. She really needs it i guess

Without saying another thing i call my lawyer and tell Carlos to arrange everything

Almost an hour later everything is arranged and i sit back down in the presence of my lawyer

"Hello Mr. Christopher" i say to my lawyer and firmly shake his hand

"Hello Mr.Cadogan, Ms.Torres" he speaks as he passes us a professional smile.

"Isabella, we can negotiate to some of the clauses here right now, my lawyer here will analyze it and we can sign the contract today"
I explain to her and watch her relax when i say today

She nods then proceeds to listen as the lawyer reads out the clauses and asks if any changes are needed

She objects and negotiates a few? other than that, she seems okay with them

"The end of this contract is until Mr.Nicholas here can fully inherit the company AKA Cadogan Enterprises, this may take up to 5 or 6 months" the lawyer speaks and both me and Isabella nod in agreement

"At the End of this Contract, Ms.Isabella will receive $500,000" the lawyer says looking at her and her eyes go wide

"You will also be receiving $100,000 every month until the contract is valid and apart from that, we will take care of your hospital bills" the lawyer concludes and Isabella faces a hard time believing what she just heard.

"No extra marital affairs should go public from either parties and Ms Isabella will have to move in with Mr.Nicholas until the end of the contract" The lawyer speaks looking at me and Isabella and we nod in agreement

"One more thing, you may not discuss this non-disclosure agreement with anyone, even after the contract finishes. If anyone of you does, you will be violating the contract and that may lead to paying a huge sum as penalty" he says more of a warning

"If you both do not have any objections, then you may read and sign the contracts to authorize them" the lawyer says passing us a copy of the contract and a pen simultaneously

I quickly sign my contract but Isabella hesitates as her pen hovers over the contract. She closes her eyes to calm herself down then quickly signs the contract closing the document.

Everyone gets up and i shake my hand firmly with the lawyer, he says his goodbyes then leaves.

Isabella looks at me and i smile at her
"Thankyou for doing this for me" i say to her and she looks me in my eyes

"Im doing this for my mom" she says without any expressions and i nod

"I will take care of the bills and after the surgery, we can plan an intimate wedding for the contract to seem real" i say and she nods in agreement

"I'll leave then" she says after a minute of silence and i nod. She grabs her bag and leaves with a copy of the contract in her hand.

The company and her will finally be mine

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